
Lunacy (lu·na·cy pronunciation: ˈlü-nə-sē) noun
Etymology: lunatic (1541)
1 a: insanity b: intermittent insanity once believed to be related to phases of the moon
2: wild foolishness : extravagant folly
3: a foolish act

The moon doesn’t make people crazy. However, it sure does help point to crazy people.

Take Whoopi Goldberg. Please. Take her far, far away.

The former Captain Planet and the Planeteers star has questioned the moon landings. Really.

Personally, I’d like to see Buzz Aldrin take a shot at her. Like he did this idiot:

Aldrin, though, is too much of a gentleman to punch a woman. Even Whoopi Goldberg.

So, Whoopi thinks the moon landing was a hoax.

I wonder what else she believes?

  • Vampires are real
  • Republicans are not real
  • Aliens landed at Roswell
  • JFK was killed by LBJ
  • Elvis is alive, working at a KFC in Memphis
  • Dinosaurs killed off the Neanderthal
  • The Wright Brothers faked heavier-than-air flight at Kitty Hawk
  • JFK is alive and living in the Caymans
  • Volcanos would be a great place to detonate hydrogen bombs
  • Bush lied, people died
  • Men in black are trying to read her brain waves
  • Global warming causes frostbite
  • Shakespeare wrote the screenplay to Homer and Eddie
  • Walt Disney’s frozen corpse stands in for Millard Fillmore in the Hall of Presidents at Disney World
  • The face on Mars is hers

I suspect this list isn’t complete. Anyone have any ideas what else she might believe?


  1. This is the truth, I heard her say it as I was watching a clip of her on “The Stew,” I mean “The View.” She said she felt safer forty years ago than she does today, then that loud mouth Behar, whose only contribution to society will come when she dies, said she doesn’t like Bush listening on her conversations over the phone. Like she has ever said anything intelligent. Anyways. Whoopi felt safer with segregation, no voting rights and being a second class citizen. Maybe in her world she was (not).

    [There was segregation 40 years ago? Oh, that’s right. She grew up in Chelsea. In Georgia, where I’m from, Blacks and Whites went to school together, voted (if 18; yes, Georgia allowed 18-year-olds to vote before any other state) … but I can’t speak for Chelsea. – B]

  2. The funniest part?
    A list of the stuff she really believes is almost definitely more ridiculous than everything up there.

    Well, except for this:
    Frank J. and Harvey aren’t the same person.

    That’s just crazy talk.

  3. *Whoopi Goldberg believes people find her very entertaining.
    *that Col. Sanders frozen body is hidden in a closet at the first KFC.
    *that Star Trek TNG sucked till she became a reoccurring character.
    *that world is flat.

  4. 1)Humans that have penuses are evil. 2)She was a Jewish person in a Gentile body,so she had a Name-Change Operation. 3) Every time she farts, she says she made Whoopi ! 4) She can’t be Raacist! because she’s not White. 5) America is a Raacist! Nation, because she played an abused Southern Black Woman in the movie ‘The Color Purple’.

  5. Buzz is my hero!
    Whoopie was OK with playing the part of a 400+ year old alien bartender with mysterious Jedi-like mental powers who may or may not have had an affair with Capt. Pickard – but she has trouble believing that we flew a mere 200,000 miles to the moon and back?
    She should watch Mythbusters – They proved that a flag in a vacuum swings back and forth like a pendulum because there’s no air resistance to slow it down! Duh!

  6. Gawd…it’s so depressing. This is the most fearful, frightened generation in American history. The internet info bombardment has sucked their brains out, and all that is left is a deep fear of anything they don’t understand…which is pretty much everything.

    Frightened little digital wabbits, who look to Whoopis for context and meaning. Woe…doom…the curtain begins to close.

    Thank gawd Star Trek is real, though.

  7. Good to know The Buzz has still got it goin’ on. Obviously one of the few, the proud, and the fearless. If Buzz is willing, I’d pay a lunatic amount to watch him knock out a few in Washington and Hollyweird…

  8. I met Buzz a few months ago. Great guy all around, and while pushing 80 still has more energy than I do.

    Whoopi, when McCain was on the View, made some comment that implied his presidency would result in slavery being reinstated on blacks. I only see that clip, but I do hope McCain pointed out to her that Jim Crow laws were Democratic and Lincoln was the first Republican president.

    Being McCain, I doubt it, though.

  9. Dang, that video was pretty to watch. Now THAT’S a man!

    A real man is secure enough in his masculinity to:

    * Have a tea party with his daughter
    * Buy Kotex for his wife/gf
    * Make a woman of size feel special…out in public
    * Punch a hippie (or stupid person in general) in the face

    What we need is a license to punch stupid people in the face without repercussions.

    Judge: You are charged with punching a hippie in the face. How do you plead?
    Real Man: Guilty your honor, but the hippie was being stupid.
    Judge: Case dismissed. Next!


    Um, okay. Did I say this out loud?

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