More CSIs

I was thinking it’s time for a fourth CSI show. I mean, there are still plenty of Who songs unused as theme songs. Here’s some ideas I had:

CSI: Boise – “Spectral analysis shows this fool done got himself shot.”

CSI: Middle East – “By trace analysis, we have concluded this was done BY THE JOOOOS!!”

CSI: Antarctica – It would take some good writing to make sure the culprit isn’t always seals.

CSI: Sunnydale – “Stick to the science… unless you think magic is involved.”

CSI: Congress – “I’m pretty sure someone here is lying.”

CSI: Chicago – “This doesn’t make any sense: It appears to be a bullet wound, but handguns are banned in this city.”

CSI: D.C. – “The corpse of the Constitution was found naked, lying in a stream. I think money was involved.”


  1. CSI: Sacramento – “It uppeerz dat dis man died of a gunshot wund, und vas killed by somevun who wuss not originally frum Kaleefornia, but I dun think it had anyting to do vit der undocumented aleenz.”

  2. CSI: Italy – “Here’s some gratutious shots of rooftops, because we didn’t quite understand why CSI shows aerial shots of cities that are attractive from the air, plus there’s five times the characters and fifty million times the angst”

    Oh, my bad. They actually did that.

  3. CSI: Wherever it is that Fred Thompson lives – “A good investigator don’t take a dump, son…[lights cigar] without a plan.”

    [cue Haggard’s The Fightin’ Side Of Me]

  4. I see a recurring dilemma the CSI Boise:

    Stereotypical Bruckheimer Medical Examiner:”It appears the victim was shot with a 357, and a 45 hollow point.”

    Stereotypical Bruckheimer Supporting Character: “How are we going to figure this out? Everyone in Boise has 357 and a 45. Hell I just gave my nephew a Beretta for his 3rd birthday this week.”

  5. CSI: Barney Franks House – “Back up the truck boys, there’s a whole lot of DNA evidence in there.”

    CSI: Washington – “Pulse or not, Pelosi looks dead enough for an autopsy.”

  6. CSI: Lancaster – “The pitchfork in his chest and the shoo-fly pie shoved down his throat leads to the obvious conclusion the Amish did it…………………….or DID they?!?!

  7. I’ve been saying for years that they need a “CSI: Rio Linda” “Ah nuw the killer was Jim-Bob, cus the bite mark on the body still has one toof left”

    I’ve even got the perfect Who song for the opening: “Join Together” It’s got that little bwerng bwong bwoong mouth harp sound at the beginning.

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