Obama is so useless and incompentent as president that…

…he’s claiming the stimulus has “worked as intended.”


  1. *picks jaw up off the floor and then makes the Scooby-Doo confused sound*

    So, basically, the stimulus then was intended to throw us deeper into debt than ever before and do absolutely nothing for the economy to help? NOW they tell us! Sheesh…

  2. Seeing as the stimulus is, for the most part, being showered on his shiftless homies in municipal labor unions so as to spare them any suffering due to the recession, it’s hard to argue with his assertment.

  3. O-bah-muhh is so useless and incompetent… he’ll choose an Alabama country doctor as Surgeon General.>>>…he’ll lecture Sub-Saharan Africa on reducing government corruption, more openness, and increasing democracy.

  4. The good news is that O-bah-muhh has been declared ‘more Catholic than the Pope’ by Newsweek’s Kathleen Kennedy Townsend( RFK’s daughter ), so he’s got that going for him.

  5. “Obama is so useless and incompentent as president that…”

    He married a Klingon just to make peace 400 years BEFORE the war started

    Vince quit rather than sell the “ObamWow”

    The “Squirrel and Monkey” local went on strike for a new overlord

    My entire “As seen on TV” Obama coin collection actually LOST value

  6. “Obama is so useless and incompentent as president that…”

    – Auntie Zeituni wants to move back to Kenya

    – He’s going to Antarctica to apologize for those insensitive penguin movies

    – “President Joe Biden” is actually sounding pretty good right now.

    – Except Sheriff Joe would probably pick Barney Frank to be his VP

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