Obama is so useless and ineffective as president that…

…he’s letting Zelaya crash at his place until things blow over.


  1. Every good Criminal needs a fellow Partner in socio-economic/civic/legal crime to hide him when the heat’s on. Obama is doing him a solid so he’ll have a place to rack out when we eventually depose him in OUR coup d’etat.

  2. Obama is so useless and ineffective as president that….. Unemployment will reach 10%—capitalism will be mortaly wounded—-television news will become state run—-Al Frankin will become a senator. OH shit my nightmares are comming true

  3. …and, the vast majority of Americans will still be far more interested in figuring out if David Hasselhoff was drunk on “America’s Got Talent” tonight or if he’s just that weird naturally…and, of course, finding out the latest regarding whether or not Michael Jackson is still dead.

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