Other Dumb Things Biden Has Said

Biden has recently said that “we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt”. Here’s some other dumb things he’s said recently:

“The only way to combat arson is to set everything we can on fire!”

“I’m memorizing everything in the Star Trek Encyclopedia to keep from becoming a Trekkie geek.”

“To protect our babies, we need to shake them harder!”

“We are mocked for the baldness that is our uninsured, and the only way to avoid that mockery are the hair plugs that is the new healthcare bill!”

“John Kerry, I need that hat back I gave to you in Cambodia. You said you still have it.”

“People will stop thinking I’m crazy when I explain to them I’m the Lizard King.”

“I’m not the stupid one! It’s that friggin’ talking dog that writes all my speeches!”

“I think that was a very good first one hundred days for a black man.”


  1. Ummmm, wouldn’t it be easier to list the intelligent things he’s said?

    I know that’d be one short post, but making this post complete would make it one freakishly gigantic post.

  2. ” I have to keep talking so that I can make sense”

    ” We had to destroy Sarah Palin so we could have a more smarter Vice President”

    ” We must have more monkey-robots to prevent Skynet’s takeover”

  3. One could think that Biden was just trying (in a bad way) to communicate a grasp of Keynesian economics. However, since the Democrats do not seem to have a grasp on any economic concept, we can put it on the Biden wall of fame.

  4. “The best way to create jobs is to close businesses.”
    “We need to pull police officers off the streets to reduce crime.”
    “Creating government monopolies will increase competition and lower prices.”
    “Increasing taxes will lower the cost of goods and services.”

    Man, these things practically write themselves!

  5. War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, we need to spend more money to keep from going bankrupt, higher taxes bring prosperity. Don’t be alarmed its all part of Newspeak just relax, pour yourself a big glass of Victory Gin, and enjoy the the ride.

  6. “The dam will overflow! Quick, punch a hole in it so it can drain.”
    “If we diasarm all the good guys, less bad guys will get hurt, thus reducing gun violence.”
    “You want your daughter to learn to swim? Senator Kennedy knows all about that.”
    “Barack is very atheletic. That’s why he has a good sun tan.”

  7. Joe Biden Must have taught my son’s Economics Class in High School.>>>”We must build Monkey Reproduction Centers or we’ll be up to our empty eyesockets in Scary Evil Monkeys.”>>>”Family Planning Services will stimulate the economy.”(Joe Biden Plagiarism Alert!)>>>We need a tax cheat as U.S. Treasurer to build the people’s trust.>>>We need more Moonbats, to control the Luna Moth Population

  8. “The best way to reduce crime is to eliminate laws”
    “Having sex with virgins is the way to cure AIDS”
    “You can alleviate a migraine with a .44 Magnum…apply directly to head”
    “Global warming can cause it to snow in July” (OK, maybe that was Al Gore…what is it about democrat VP’s?)

  9. One could think that Biden was just trying (in a bad way) to communicate a grasp of Keynesian economics. However, since the Democrats do not seem to have a grasp on any economic concept, we can put it on the Biden wall of fame. #16: I agree. I think a pundit explained it to him, he doesn’t understand it and he’s trying to talk about it.

  10. To protect your freedom of speech, we must repeal Amendment 1 from the Constitution.

    To protect the Constitution, we must destroy it. I never liked that pesky little thing anyways. I hear the president with a paper shredder now…

  11. Joe Biden was picked to run as vice president because THE OBAMA is banking on the fact that no one will shoot him(OBAMA) for fear of putting an even bigger idiot in the oval orifice.

  12. We don’t want o shot, we want him exposed, humiliated and forced to resign in disgrace, followed by imprisonment and deportation.
    Let Joe talk … he’s bound to make our job easier in the long-run.
    Then we can give him a job running the monorail at Disneyworld.
    He’ll be happier than a pig in slop!

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