Our New Justice

So not only is Sotomayor a racist with no problem lying to the Senate, she no speak good. Of course, to disqualify her for the Supreme Court you’d have to focus on her merits instead of her race and gender, and that’s missing the whole point of her nomination.

Anyway, it’s a done deal. You elect a useless screw-up, you’re going to get the sort of nominees for the Supreme Court a useless screw-up would pick. I can just see her opinions for the Supreme Court cases: “Hey, this part I wrote actually matches up with something the Constitution says; what a coincidence!”


  1. > I can just see her opinions for the Supreme Court cases: “Hey, this part I wrote actually matches up with something the Constitution says; what a coincidence!”

    Sotomayor wouldn’t write anything that even remotely resembles the Constitution, unless she makes her “s” look like “f”.

  2. The Funniest End of Civilization Ever just keeps getting funnier.

    I thought when he named Joe Biden, that was as funny as it could get.

    Then, I figured we couldn’t top a tax cheat forgetter as head of the dept. that controls the IRS.

    We really have to seriously consider FrnakJ’s theory that we’re all in Sasha Cohen’s next movie.

  3. In Obama’s defense, looking at the pool of liberal democrat judges he had to pick from, it wasn’t like he was going to get anyone smarter even if he didn’t go with a wise Latina. Its morons all the way down.

  4. Interesting that she gets the title Justice when her decisions have never been anywhere close to the neighborhood of resembling anything slightly near to Justice.

    But we don’t need no Justices what talk gooder than them there fancy book learning 5th graders.

  5. Justice Sortamanure will ensure a translator a job for someone on the SCOTUS staff. Not to translate from spanish or whatever, nut from Sortamanurese. Maybe they can hire the same “expert” who goofed up Hillary’s reset button.

  6. Well one would think that as a jurist she would have a excellent command of the english language after all te law can be very complex, with the right words sometimes having life / death implications…. wait never mind…. SHE’S HISPANIC…… my bad… in that case she no need to speak so gud! Its Ok… she’s HISPANIC… no really I mean did I mention ….. she’s HISPANIC? Hmmmm I wonder come next election if Bama will Pimp her to the Hispanic Community for de votes? Anyone care to guess how she would rule on illegal immigration? And you know she’s almost as unattractive as that Helen Thomas person in the press. Slowly devolving into trolls….

  7. Thank you, Justice Souter. What a strategically planned retirement, so we can get our first cabbage patch kid justice.
    If Sotomayor rambles on long enough, I wonder if she would say, “constipation” instead of “constitution”. That would be a Freudian slip since the constitution is a source of constipation for her.
    This is the most dangerous part of the Obama legacy. A supreme court appointment is the gift that keeps on giving and giving.

  8. I spoke gooder english than she when I gradiated hi skul. How kin she undurstan the constitwoshion if she aren’t lewking wurds in the dickshionairy two no whut dey meen. Her are stoopud.

  9. I could swear this dumb puta was working the concession stands at Yankee Stadium a few years ago. She’s gonna rule on habeas corpus for terrorist detainees? She couldn’t even pour a beer!

  10. classless disgrace: rom, someone called a supreem court justice is retiring, what does that mean?

    rom the manual: I don’t know. Who is this? the teleprompter is busy call back.

    Teleprompter: get me a stupid Chinese woman or a wise mexican, same thing, to replace the white guy.

    sortaamayorbutreallyanidiot: I spees gooder that white guy, i can haz court?

    hairlipreid: We will pass her my lord, my god, my teleprompter baby

    rom the manual: hairlip, you have sufficiently groveled, you may bow and go.

    classless disgrace: who was that?

    Teleprompter: none of your business.

  11. Actually, I like ” cracker ” with cheese, looks like one is ready for the other….

    Vote bamma, in 2012 and get more cash from the rich. Polishi and her husband will Be the last of the rich by then… ever looked how rich those two are ? Ever looked at the investments, and companies that they are involved with?

  12. All the wise latina needs is a good telepromter. As soon as telepromter 1 is replaced on warranty, and now that the Ayatollah BarBarack has proven that he needs only one telepromter to funtion, the replacement telepromter would be available to help other affirmative action government officials with their own thought patterns.
    Before telepromter: A wise latina is a terminology used to inspire and encourage minorities and disadvantaged throughout all society, and is not meant to be gender specific or have racial undertones.
    After telepromter: Get yo white honky ass out of my court you stupid muderflucker. If you want those GD blue eyes left in you head just give me one look or pause one second in my presence and I’ll fry all yo balls and feed them to the cat.

  13. OMG! @24

    Tim, how did you find that? Dr. Frank Fleming is a secret super secret. As it turns out, Frank is setting us up to profit immensely from Obamacare while cynically telling us he is against it so that he doesn’t lose readers at IMAO.

    Brilliant video.

  14. Ahh, remember the good ol’ days when we had a two-party system? For those of you that are too young to remember, there actually used to be a conservative party, called the “Republicans”, that would stand up for the sanctity of our country and preserving our Constitution, and the American way of life. However, now we’ve just got the one, with no other party out there. Maybe we should start a second party.

  15. Corona – When I was young, my parents bought “Wild and Crazy Guy” on 8-track. I played the crap out of that thing and can still recite entire segments of it. Steve Martin is a comedic genius. : )

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