Palin and Frank J.

It ends up Allahpundit outed me as someone open to mild criticism of Sarah Palin (I’m sorry, but she didn’t come off too well in those leaked e-mails). But like Jonah Goldberg, I criticize her because I want her to run in the future and be a strong candidate.

I gave an interview for Bloglines (I think it should air Monday), and though it was mainly about blogging, I did say how I think Palin is still the GOP’s brightest spot. Unlike Obama, she’s worked in the real world and accomplished real things. People try to claim she’s stupid, but if you measure people by what they’ve achieved she beats Obama hands down. As conservatives, we do have to stick up for her because if we ever let sounding smart have more importance than being smart, we lose.

And before you deify Palin too much, remember that she is a politician. She’s going to disappoint you someday.


  1. MarkoMancuso says: I am afraid that we will have no choice but to burn you at the stake now.

    No we don’t need to burn him at the stake yet just punch him in his balls and kick him in his face. Then if that dosen’t work burn him at the stake.

  2. I understand the need to be pragmatic, to not raise your hopes only to have them dashed. Also agree most politicians have disappointed, usually multiple times. However, Reagan never did. And I believe Palin’s greatest asset is that she is the most vetted politician in the world. Who else has had their garbage so thoroughly checked and rechecked? Mistakes? You betcha. Cringe and groan worthy moments, oh yeah. Minor disappointments, of course. But not one serious, significant, important disappointment.

  3. I think Sarah is great, however I do think the older and mor experienced a person is, the better equipt they are to run our country. Just look at the guy we have now! Sarah is definietly more qualified than Obama was/is, but I still would have liked to see another term as governor or perhaps a Senate seat.

    She’s young! She could wait until 2016 or 2020 and still be younger than Hillary when she ran…and have a vast amount of experience as well.

    BTW..I LOVE Michelle Bachman! She’s one smart cookie and she’s not afraid to stand up to the status quo!

  4. How did she not come off well as a result of those emails? She was Right! Her image was being destroyed on the largest stage in the world, all as a result of the incompetency of McCain and his disasterous (lack of) campaign strategy. As McCain was content to willingly lose the election, she was not content to be forced to act like an idiot, touting his asinine conflicting policies. If anything, that story proved what most people thought – that she was so reigned in by the McCain handlers that there was no way to speak freely and do a competent interview without being at odds with McCain’s conflicting stances on issues.

  5. good thoughts. I am not used to getting such straight analysis here. threw me off for a moment. Mark Steyn’s last column addressed how our political process guarantees that only deeply flawed people succeed. Obama being the epitome of the process. I think she realized the only way to make the madness stop was to step out of the limelight for awhile. Krautheimer could be right that she has her eyes on 2016. Despite all this, I am one of her fans. She is the Anti-Obama and we don’t have enough like her.

  6. Why do we tear down instead of defend our best and brightest? Do we have no one to defend her? The liberal establishment will always try (and succeed far to often) to cut the head off of any conservative who sticks their neck out. It seems we’ll always just stand back and watch while we wonder what is happening to our country.

  7. Given recent events I think its acceptable to view them all with a jaded eye. Wanna know why Reagan did so well? Its cause he spoke to people like they were adults, no ambiguity, no catchee / folksy phrases (“you betchya”) but regular ole big boy & girl words. Im still neutral regarding Palin, she is obviously bright & tuff but I would probably be more comfortable with a bit more seasoning.

  8. In this climate I’m going to back any conservative willing to stick their neck out. I see the attacks on Palin as an attack on me. And they are. They’re an attack on you too. Any conservative who sticks their neck out is going to get their head chopped off. That is the world we live in. We had better adapt and accept the leaders who are willing to fight in this climate. That or we can accept a Romney style ObamaHealthCare done better and smarter because Romney is better and smarter.

  9. I live in Minnesota. Bachman is the real deal! Palin/Bachman would be fun to watch! Of course now that Palin quit there is that dynamic! I do know that Bachman is painted by the Red Star and Tribune as a quack and wierdo! That makes me like her more!

  10. I’m sorry, I have yet to hear a real reason for her NOT to resign. She was rather up front in her reason for leaving Alaska politics. Let us see if we can follow her reasoning:

    She did not want to be a “lame duck governor”…… she didn’t want to spend the rest of her term in office defending herself from every hysterical, asinine, neurotic rumor which liberal wackjobs chose to throw at her. Mayhaps she thought Alaskans deserved a governor who would be able to focus on the state’s issues instead of baseless, tacky, obscene complaints by people who still think Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are real the moon is made of green cheese and the MSM is objective.

    She was tired of her family being used for target practice by every perverted, over the hill, jackbooted, ignoramus with delusions of relevancy. Especially since the very people she’s served and offered to serve are the ones stabbing her in the back. I’m not sure why anyone would seek political office, especially in the Republican party. We seem to be even more willing to throw people under the bus than O’vomit and Ram u el.

    This ladies and gentlemen is why we lose. We promote people who will do and say anything to get elected (McCain/Huckabee) and we savage anyone who has the audacity to be honest, truthful and upfront (Palin/ Romney) Don’t whine and complain that no one of integrity will run if you can’t tell the sheep from the snakes. Perhaps we need to look inward to see why it is we can’t recognize plain honest integrity when we see it.

    The Dems don’t have this issue because frankly they wouldn’t recognize integrity of it reared up and kissed them on the nose. Since they have no claim to the moral high-ground they don’t have to worry when they are swimming in the sewers. They didn’t promise anything so, they don’t owe anything. For them it’s a win-win.

    Unfortunately for the country it’s a lose-lose.

  11. A female critic of Palin was interviewed on Fox this morning and was claiming that she couldn’t imagine such an inexperienced person thinking they could be president. The interviewer missed a prime chance to ask, “Wait, are you talking about Palin or Obama?” It would have been perfect. A perfect YouTube career destroying moment for that blowhard.

    I watched the Palin biography on Fox as well and noted that the next time some journalist criticizes her education, note that one of her degrees was in Journalism, so obviously she must be stupid, right?

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