Proof That Obama is a Racist

Some people are angry that Glenn Beck called Obama a racist.

I’m not.

Because it’s true.

You see, it turns out that Officer Crowley and Professor Gates are both Irish.

And Obama is inviting them to the White House for a beer.

Which just perpetuates the stereotype of Irishmen as brawling drunkards.

Which may be true, but it’s still offensive.


  1. What do you figure the chances are that a cop in MA would turn out to be Irish?

    This is an insulting assumption on the part of the president. Not all Irishmen drink! In fact, our family reunion could set a Guinness Book record as the World’s Biggest AA Meeting! (Ok, so we’ve had a wee problem in the past.)

  2. Isn’t O’bama a little Irish, too?

    Obama will be drinking Bud Light tommorrow.

    I don’t like beer that much and I like Bud Light because it doesn’t taste like anything.

    It was picked because it is the most popular beer in America. The focus groups gave it a thumbs up.

  3. Focus group selected beer? Why yes that’s my favorite too!

    Iconic American brand – Check
    health conscious diet beer – Check
    made in the heartland for the most constituents – Check

    Gates drinks RedStripe, imported from Jamaica. Not know as a great beer but they have a lot of dark skinned people there so it must be a show of solidarity or Diversity or something.

  4. There was a song by some stupid drunken Irish band with the lyric,
    “Tu ra lu rai,
    Tu ra lu lama,
    There’s no one as Irish,
    A barack O’Bama.”

    Google it yourselves, it took me months to get the
    stinking tune out of my head. I’m not looking that up.

  5. If they’re both Irish then here’s a couple of jokes I recommend the Prez tell them to sorta break the ice and lighten things up a bit….Yo, Skippy do you know where an Irishman goes on vacation? To a different bar! And Crowley….what’s the definition of an Irish queer? That’s an Irishman who likes women better than whiskey!…..Hey I gotta million of ‘um, Joe the Vice-President, still doing stand-up and bombing, Washington DC.

  6. so, Gates is an academic fraud ala Ward Churchill! Not truly a black yet using that false claim to embellish his curriculum vitae to gain a cushy tenured position at a prestigious university. No doubt the tenure committee will meet soon and deal harshly with this charlatan. Just another example of the white man stealing bread from the mouths of minorities!

  7. Prof. Gates was returning from a trip to China when he was arrested. He teaches ‘Black Studies’ for Pete’s sake! What was he doing in China? Is there a large black Chinese minority over there I never heard about that needed to be studied? Maybe that’s where the term, “Say Fu!” comes from?

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