Random Thoughts

Deepak Chopra: Is there really a culture in this world where that is not a ridiculous sounding name?

Obama: “I will give everyone free candy and it will save us money and create jobs because shut up.”

When Obama says, “The time for talk is through”, does that mean they’re unable to fix his broken teleprompter?

Obama is foreign born unless you consider Hawaii an American state which I don’t.

With 40 states with right to carry, anyone arguing that conceal carry causes violence is arguing the earth is flat.

I don’t get Obama’s appeal. If we wanted a widely popular out of touch weirdo running the country, why didn’t we just elect Michael Jackson?

The problem with president Michael Jackson is a hundred years from now when teachers tell kids he’s the first “black” president and point to his picture, the kids will get really confused.

It doesn’t matter if manned exploration of space makes sense economically or what not, it’s just what we have to do as the human race.

Why are video games so dominated by multiplayer games these days? I play video games because I don’t like interacting with other people.


  1. When Obama says, “The time for talk is through”, does that mean they’re unable to fix his broken teleprompter?

    No, it means, “STFU, peasant noobs! Ur about to get pw2ned!11”

    Incidentally, if you ever see a troll on IMAO who speaks in that manner, yes, it is probably Obama.

  2. That would have been a short lived presidency for President Michael Jackson. The left would have blamed it on Bush and we would all be racist because he died and we would be left with someone from Pedophiles Anonymous for our president.

  3. It doesn’t matter if manned exploration of space makes sense economically or what not, it’s just what we have to do as the human race.

    Why are video games so dominated by multiplayer games these days? I play video games because I don’t like interacting with other people.

    Iowahawks’ latest article on Apollo 11 almost reads as if it was written here. (That’s a compliment.)
    As far as multi-player games, I couldn’t agree more. People suck.

  4. “Why are video games so dominated by multiplayer games these days? I play video games because I don’t like interacting with other people.”

    I agree completely. You only think you’re playing against a bunch of other people; in reality it’s just Skynet, which is just building combat tendancy profiles on everyone for the coming judgement day. You’ve been warned!

  5. With 40 states with right to carry, anyone arguing that conceal carry causes violence is arguing the earth is flat.

    And here I sit, living in only one of two states (Illinois and Wisconsin) with absolutely no possible way to carry legally.

    Why are video games so dominated by multiplayer games these days? I play video games because I don’t like interacting with other people.

    The only multiplayer game I like is Left 4 Dead. And that’s because you can play as infected, and kill other people; and not go to jail…

  6. If we sink Hawaii, can we revoke the citizenship of Hawaiian-born people?

    Or will the fish people who settle in Sunken Hawaii get US citizenship?

    Or am I just talking to talk????

  7. “Why are video games so dominated by multiplayer games these days? I play video games because I don’t like interacting with other people.”

    Damn straight. I don’t know what’s more annoying: hearing some five year old kid yammering on and on over the XBox headset, or getting my ass handed to me repeatedly by that same five year old kid. We need to start putting ortho novum in the water supply.

  8. “depak chopra” dat what hussein do when he go on her show.

    When Obama says, “The time for talk is through”, does that mean they’re unable to fix his broken teleprompter?

    No it means teleprompter has seen a copy machine and is “hitting” on it.

  9. Deficits spiraling out of control. taxes going up, cost of living going up everywhere except housing and we are supposed to spend trillions on exploring space. I think that money could be better spent.

  10. Random Thought: I was listening to the radio a few minutes ago when Twisted Sister’s “we’re not gonna take it” came on. Listening to the words I realised it would make a good theme song for the Right.

  11. Tupac Shakur: Is there any place in the world where he wasn’t a THUG?>>>Scary Evil Monkey: I Promise everyone FREE CANDY, and when they come close enough, I pluck their eyeballs out!>>>”The time for talk is through, now get out there and LIE YOUR ASSES OFF!”>>> If I tell the truth, does that make me a TRUTHER?>>> If some other country wants to foot the bill, knock yourself out, explore Space.>>>40 years,—–Mary Jo Kopechne still dead,Ted Kennedy still Senator. No one said life was fair.

  12. “I don’t get Obama’s appeal. If we wanted a widely popular out of touch weirdo running the country, why didn’t we just elect Michael Jackson?”

    John McCain, Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Mike Huckabee. Given all the possible choices, Michael Jackson was clearly way over-qualified. He’d actually been succesful at something, and American voters have no patience for that kind of nonsense.

  13. I like the “2001 – Space Odyssey” approach.
    Space shuttle run by Pan-Am, space station run by Hilton Hotels, Moon shuttle run by Boing.
    All worked great.
    HAL computer that went nuts?
    Government program.

  14. Yes, video games are meant for when you don’t have friends to do things with… except that for some people that’s ALL the time. That’s why they invented that Warcraft game. So you can make friends and still be all alone.

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