
Obama is a moron. Everyone who actually believes he knows what he’s doing is a double moron.


  1. Spot on, Frank.

    Suggestion: Start proofreading your posts. You often misspell things or leave off letters and it takes away (a little) from the brlliant things you have to say.

    We don’t want to give the retarded democrats any ammo and hear any comments like this: “Oh, really??? Obama is single-handedly destroying this country and everything it has ever stood for?? Well at least he can SPELL!”

  2. The moron Obama is hiring people as Czars that have said they want to kill retared people and remove them from the Gene pool. How stupid is that he’s wants to kill his own voters. What a moron!

  3. #3, Anna,

    But if a liberal troll brings up Frank’s inability to spell in place of an argument, is it possible that the troll has just helpfully “outed” itself as something to be ignored?

    Obama is a moron. Everyone who actually believes he knows what he’s doing is a double moron.

    What does that make someone who thinks Obama is a moron, but supports him because he “speaks so well”?

    Ah, that’s not really possible. Forget I asked.

  4. With all the theological discussion going on lately, the thread title had me preparing for a Literal vs. Symbollic debate.>>>That said, O-bah-muhh is literally a moron.

  5. He knows what he is doing,
    other Black liberation folks like Reverend Wright,
    and Communnist organizers like Bill Ayers
    know what Barack is doing too.

    His followers think he is doing something else,
    with the best interests of the country at heart.
    THEY are dangerious morons.

  6. I’d agree, Sean, but only today I heard some numbskull opine that such a system works in Canada and Europe. So the painfully obvious may not be quite so apparent to the brainwashed lemmings as you and I might think it is.

  7. Im conflicted… On one hand I want to reply….Obama’s a moron eh? …. and it took you how looooong to figure this out?

    And on the other hand …. I think Frank showed great restraint by compiling all the evidence, weighing it impartialy, and then only when it was proven beyond ALL reasonable doubt coming to his “revelation.”

  8. No, no…Obama is a brilliant actor. He can say with a straight face what the morons want to hear, then spins around and does exactly what he has been groomed to do over his lifetime. He know exactly what he wants to do, and who to hire to get it done. His ideas, however, are moronic.

  9. From Merriam-Webster’s Medical Dictionary:

    Main Entry: mo·ron
    Pronunciation: ‘mO(&)r-“än, ‘mo(&)r-
    Function: noun
    : a mentally retarded person who has a potential mental age of between 8 and 12 years and is capable of doing routine work under supervision

    The perfect job description for a guy whose main talent is that he can read a teleprompter.

  10. I am ashamed that people call bamma a moron, a MORON….

    That is terrible and is such a shame that people would ever call bamma MORON.

    The facts are that that is an insult, yes it is an insult totally so terrible I cannot exp[lain it properly, but I will try.

    This insults, to the core, the center all the real morons that are actually running around, bamma is something way beyond a moron…… a word or title that eludes me at this moment that describes all the delusional, race baiter’s, and leftists..floating around… that bamma really is doing.

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