Tea Party coverage. No, really.

I used to be a sort of serious small-town radio news reporter. I loved it. Except the parts I didn’t like.

Anyway, a long time ago — it was last year — Frank J. said that I could promote some things. I used that opening to actually post stuff here. It’s been too much trouble for him to try to get the keys to the blog back, so he’s let me keep posting. But today, I’m actually going to promote something. So, you might want to skip to the next post that somebody else wrote. It’s probably funny. And probably on purpose.

Right now, though, I’m going to scare away much of Frank’s precious blog traffic by offering a couple of links to my report on the Columbus, Georgia Independence Day Tea Party. I went there to cover it, just like a real reporter. Everybody there — except one jackass — figured out in short order that I was not the enemy. But the less said about that one jackass, the better.

Anyway, here’s the link to the report at PJTV. And here’s the link at my little blog (and it includes a transcript at no extra charge).

Thanks, Frank.

You’ll probably be wanting the keys back now.


  1. Frank, er, Basil, er, whatever, I, for one, have no problem with IMAOers shamelessly promoting themselves.

    Also, while I’m here instead of sleeping, I took notice of one of Frank’s “tweets”:

    Have to stay up late for fireworks in Boise. 10:20pm and sun still isn’t done setting. I think someone screwed up the timezones.

    I’ll take advantage of this so I can shamelessly rant; someone really needs to set some firework rules. I was at a racetrack tonight and there was a nasty accident in one of the turns. While the track crew were trying to get the possibly injured driver out of the car, some guy set off fireworks. You don’t set off fireworks when the track announcer is telling you that, “We’re just getting word from the scene of the accident, and apparently the medics on hand are waiting for the driver to catch his breath.” Does that seem like a time for fireworks to you?

    [If it weren’t for the fact you were nearly clean across the country from folks I’m kin to, I’d have suspected one of them of setting the fireworks off http://tr.im/qVMu I tell ya, they love a good wreck – B]

  2. You know why the April 15th Tea Parties had a bigger response? Because they were on a notable non-holiday. When’s the next one planned for? Thanksgiving? Christmas? New Years Eve? Get a clue, people.

    [You’re right. It was silly as hell for the group in Columbus to schedule an event in downtown Columbus on a day when downtown Columbus is packed for its traditional Fourth of July celebration (“Thunder on the Hooch“). And holding it one block over from the downtown celebration, at the tallest building in town? Across from one of the best downtown parking areas? Sheer madness! – B]

  3. Great job Basil. My local news didn’t cover any of my areas 4th Tea Parties. It’s not news worthy like Jacksons death or something to prasie Obama for.

    [About that… How are the plans for Jackson’s tour coming? – B]

  4. We had the same problem with the tea party in Oregon. Just too many folks out of town… Still, I think 250 people on a major holiday is something that our esteemed nutjobs in office might take note of.

    [If 250 has shown up for a pro-Obama rally, it would have been reported as “supporters numbering in the thousands.” – B]

  5. So then, is Michael Jackson still dead? Your report was shamefully lacking in that respect. You must not be paying attention to the government memos like MSNBC, CNN, and clearly FoxNews do, as you reported on a story that was certainly not on the approved list.

    [What? Michael Jackson died?! I’ve heard nothing of this! Are you just spreading rumors? If not, why has no major media outlet picked up on that story? For shame! – B]

  6. Tea party????? I saw not one person in that PJTV video drinking any tea. Where is the earl grey?

    [A bald English guy with a French name came in and drank it all. It was weird. – B]

  7. My husband, our dog, and I (I know — what is it about us folks in the South and taking our big ol’ dogs everywhere?) motored up the road to Baton Rouge yesterday for the central Louisiana Tea Party at the capitol building. There were over 1,000 folks there — lots of young families, too, not just us over-50 taxpaying codgers — but not much press. So, thanks guys for posting this! It’s nice to see some unbiased reporting without editorializing — for a change.

  8. Nice reporting. Lay it on us. We’ve been slogging through state of the art 1950’s educational videos for months. I think we can handle some current events.
    Ron Paul!

    [Ron Paul? No, I don’t do Sci-Fi videos. – B]

  9. > “Ron Paul!
    > [Ron Paul? No, I don’t do Sci-Fi videos. – B]”

    Sorry. I couldn’t help myself. I recklessly fed the trolls for my own amusement, without regard for the safety and integrity of the IMAO.US community. I promise it won’t happen again, until the next time my post is so dull it compels me to commit irresponsible acts of blogging disobedience. What’s wrong with SciFi?

    [Oh, nothing at all is wrong with Sci-Fi. But, like you, I couldn’t help myself. – B]

  10. A really nice report.

    I can see , though why you “used to be” a radio reporter.
    You forgot the most serious, important things that important , serious, mainstream reporters must do when seriously and importantly covering Tea Parties:
    1) mention the obvious racism of the protesters,
    2) make juvenile homosexual innuendos about teabagging,
    3) ask a participant a question , then fillibuster him with Obama agitprop when he answers.
    4) create a counterprotest across the street and give equal time and more credence to those 3 tinfoil hat wearing crertins as you do the Tea Party.

    You have a great news radio voice, but, sorry, I don’t think CNN or Westwood One will be calling.

    [Thank you for the tips. I will do better next time. – B]

  11. Yes Basil, Frank can’t get the keys back. That’s why his site has sucked for so many years now. Have fun sucking!

    [You are my hero. Finding a Website to bitch and moan and complain about, and still going back time after time. Wow. You must be super special. I bet they have a special-sized bus just for you. I’m officially a fan. Can I be you when I grow up? – B]

  12. # Corona says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 8:51 am
    [You’re right. It was silly as hell for the group in Columbus to schedule an event in downtown Columbus on a day when downtown Columbus is packed for its traditional Fourth of July celebration (“Thunder on the Hooch”). And holding it one block over from the downtown celebration, at the tallest building in town? Across from one of the best downtown parking areas? Sheer madness! – B]

    Basil, you know what’d be good day? September 11th. Ring a bell?

    [September 11? Sure. But why July 4 in Columbus is a bad idea? I’m still lost on that one. – B]

  13. Hi Basil,

    I really like it that you answer our asinine ramblings. With your alter ego Frank, it’s like we are appealing to an angry and crazy blogging warlord, that largely ignores us, until he feels the need to strike us dead or bask in the warm glow of our (com)posts.

    I hope you had a great Independence Day (it looked like you did in the video).

  14. Wow conspiracy theorists unite. FrankJ is now so powerful and talented that he can be in two places at once. All hail our magical, mystical, maniacal leader.

    Basil great job. Our local tea party got mentioned in one out of four media outlets, but the rest did have stories on the New Kids on the Block concert, a fascinating story about bacteria in pools and a riveting story about a 609 lb turtle making the harrowing trip to Tulsa ( a haunting tale of outgrowing ones environment and tortoisial magnetism). Oh the humanity……………. or repetility.

    [A turtle traveled to Tulsa? Are they going to make that into a movie? I’m thinking “The Incredible Journey II.” He overcame bacteria-laden pools and all kinds of obstacles. And NKOTB could do the soundtrack. Now, don’t you feel ashamed for making fun of your hard-hitting news outlets? – B]

  15. Mistaking any “reporter” as the enemy is an honest mistake.

    [There’s being wary, and there’s being a jackass. That jackass come up at me like he wanted to argue. He wanted to make sure I deleted any images I had with him in it. This from someone who was at a public protest at the City of Columbus Government Center, marching around, carrying signs. Seems to me that if you seek attention, you might not mind when you get it. Heck, if he didn’t want his face seen, he should have put on a hood. Based on how he was acting, I’m sure he’s got one. Probably the same one his daddy, granddaddy, and great-granddaddy wore.

    Others were curious as to who I was, but were polite. Just this one jackass. There’s always one. – B]

  16. Damnit Basil! Now I can’t read a post from you anymore without hearing that drawl. Not that there was anything wrong with that drawl. It’s just that you are so dashing and heroic that I always read your stuff with Sean Connery’s voice in my head. That doesn’t make me gay does it?

    [Sorry about the accent. Born and raised in southeast Georgia will do that to you.

    As for the Sean Connery thing, I never thought that made you gay. I just figured it was a lifestyle choice you made. – B]

  17. Oh, it’s not the accent that gets me at all. It’s just the complete wanton and reckless disregard for my preconceptions, and your brutal shattering thereof. As for the Connery thing: No Comment.

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