The Hell of Canadian Healthcare

If you only watch one Crowder video, watch this. Steven Crowder goes undercover to show you exactly what it’s like getting healthcare in Canada:

At one point, he’s actually told to get a blood test he should either wait two to three years on a waiting list to get a family practitioner or go to one of the now allowed private clinics and pay $900.

Plus, he goes through how much the “free” really crappy healthcare actually costs in taxes and higher prices on everything.

Do not want!


  1. So, why has Michael Moore not been dragged out by the wacko dems to help pitch this amazing socialized medicine, I wonder? Or, perhaps when the going gets tough the dems admit that he’s actually a fat, lying bastard who makes bad scripted films and passes them off as documentaries…and that the fat bastard doesn’t really have much knowledge or anything.

  2. Pingback: Morning Conservative Reading List - July 14, 2009 - AIP Blog - American Issues Project

  3. One way to make sure that Congress doesn’t force us into some horrible socialized medicine plan is to make sure they have to use the same healthcare plan that the rest of us do. But they already have their super platinum healthcare plan…and short of armed insurrection, they ain’t giving that up…

  4. I’m going to cut my healthcare costs the same way Obama is going to cut the country’s: I’m going to pay my doctors less.

    I wonder what kind of care I’m going to get? Hmmmm…

    Mitch Rapp

  5. It’s so obvious that socialized health care is epic fail. And it’s obvious that Dems/libs can’t fathom anything that’s blatantly obvious.

    Another major problem is the insurance industry.

    My suggestion is to stay on the good side of your veterinarian; you may need a blood test one day.

  6. Healthcare in Canada is provincially run so there’s actually 10 different systems. The private clinic option they have in Quebec is a legal gray area and not available in the rest of the country.

    One thing he didn’t mention is that like any insurance policy, some things are covered and some aren’t. If you need a treatment or procedure that’s not covered, you still have to pay yourself. In Ontario where I am, over the last 15 years, the government has slowly been removing things from their coverage to try saving money. It was actually a socialist government that started that, but all of them, right, left and centre have continued with it.

    We do actually have a user-pay option for those who need faster or better care, at least for now. Its called the US.

  7. veterinarians will indeed be a good friend to have. They can do anything from stitches to blood work to vaccinations to antibiotics. If our tax dollars are going to fund this pit of destruction, lets just stop paying taxes on grounds that our US Constitutional rights have been violated, all move to Texas, and dare Jokebama to do something about it.

  8. Pingback: MUST-SEE: Steven Crowder’s undercover expose of single-payer health care in Canada! « Wintery Knight Blog

  9. Pingback: Wondered Why I Did Not Post a Crowder Video Last Week? « Liber Ex Machina

  10. I’m wondering why American Health insurance companies seem to be making Obamas point for him. They have continued to gouge, steal, and bludgeon the American public into more and more desperate situations.

    My son-in-laws company just changed insurance companies. Their cost (the workers) went up 300 dollars a pay check (bi monthly) and the plan is now 50/50 instead of 80/20.

    They now have to decide whether she can continue to stay home with their two small children, or get a job (and pay most of that in child care) just to get better, less expensive insurance.

    So, what I’m wondering is since the “market” doesn’t seem to be able to give us health care we can afford, and O’vomit wants to give us health care we can’t access, is there really a difference. I mean if a tree falls in the forest but there’s no one to hear it does it make a sound……………………kind of the same idea here.

  11. Pingback: MUST-SEE: Steven Crowder’s undercover expose of single-payer health care in Canada! » test

  12. Keep quiet about that Vetrinarian option, or PETA will demand a Medipet entitlement for poor peoples’ pets! (Oops, I meant ‘companion animals’.) After all, animals are people too, right?

    If healthcare rationing applied to pets, an army of cat-ladies would descend on Congress!

  13. Pingback: The Barton Bulletin

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