The Obama Presidency in Five Seconds


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  1. #7 – MarcoMancuso,

    Revelation 18:1-2
    After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority; and the earth was made bright with his splendor. And he called out with a mighty voice,
    “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! … ”

    I always figured it’d be something like that!

  2. Obama forced welfare adoptions on me, here in the USA, wherein I was forced to suckle 3 inner city Chicago welfare cheats. Since there were only 3 cheats I put those 3 on hind teets and had 5 left over for my own chilluns.

    Now with Obama’s wonderful new ideas I will have 5 new cheats to feed. I will be full up with no room for my own. He promises I will be forced to be a cheat also and thus be able to suckle myself but somehow I do not see that working out well. I was born a republican and not double jointed like your average democrat.

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