The Worst Reason To Have Socialized Medicine

The only problem with the health care in America is that it costs too much.

The only problem with considering this to be a legitimate complaint is – name something that people DON’T want to pay less for.


  1. Crab legs.

    Somehow the place that sells the same crab legs for $11.50 seems scary and the place that sells them for $22.50 seems classy.

    For the same reason I wouldn’t want to go to Discount Bob’s colo-rectal center.

  2. The only time I want to pay more for something is when it’s accompanied by such an unexpectedly delightful attitude on the part of the seller that generous tipping ensues.

    Still, technically, I’m paying for the object AND the service. I still don’t want to pay more for the object itself.

    Jeff – you’d still like to pay $11.50 for those crab legs. The liberal solution would be demanding the government pass a crab leg reform bill to punish the classy.

  3. Well sure, it may cost too much, but it also is available too quickly. . . but is that the only problem?

    I think you may not be looking at it from the same angle as B. “Who’s Sane?” O., for instance, American health care also is often so effective that even tiny preemies and very old seniors live despite severe problems. People often survive accidents that should naturally reduce world population, and would in a properly socialized society.

    Have you considered the other problematic aspects of our current system?

  4. B. “Who’s Sane?” O., That’s funny right there, i don’t care who you are, that’s funny.

    I think the main problem with transportation is that it costs way too much. We should have nationalized transportation insurance so i can get my Lamborginni for $20 a month, and I don’t want to wait in any lines either. I want it all and I want it now, free like those Cubans, and I want one of their cigars too.

  5. One thing I don’t understand about socialized medicine naysayers, (generally right wing, flag waving patriots), is what do they think about the VA? The completely socialized medical care that we give our best and brightest.

  6. I do not know about the rest of us bitterly clinging generally right wing, flag waving patriots
    but it is my opinion that the well deserved benefits received by veterans would be better handled by anyone but the government.
    I have never understood why our veterans cannot carry a card that says I am a veteran and be able to walk into any medical facility or doctors office and be treated immediately and the bill sent to the government like medicare. We would save money by shutting down inefficienceis in the medical VA system and the men and women we owe our lives and liberty to would have the freedom of choice that the rest of us have (for now) for treatment, with the benefit of being able to take care of all their troubles in their own home town if they choose.

  7. The VA is *not* the model to be building a national healthcare structure around. However it is what many vets (myself included) have come to expect and accept as the standard for medical care. Having served in the military, some understand that medicine is “assembly line” care. “Next!” is the mantra. The American public would NOT accept such an inefficient bureaocracy managing their healthcare.

    The VA grew out of the necessity to care for a massive number of injured service members after wartime.

    The computer system is top-notch, though. Being able to track electronic medical records coast-to-coast and around the world is vital, especially when servicemembers travel and relocate.

    Thank God that Al Gore invented the internet. Oh, wait…he invented global warming. I get those mixed up sometimes

  8. There are some things that I wouldn’t want to pay more for, but to pay less might be criminally insane. Hospital cleanliness, airplane maintenance, U.S. Armed Forces come to mind.>>>> Eternal Salvation, priceless, yet, the free gift of God

  9. Mike Albaugh: The medical care our best and brightest receive after a combat wound is the best in the world. But then they are sent home (to the states) for rehab. and the best care in the world is still back in Germany and in combat zones. Combat medics(my oldest son is on tour #2 in Iraq as a combat medic) and the military doctors in Germany are the best in the world . The VA is a joke. My hometown has a VA hospital— if you need a bed there all you need to do is wait for a vet to die so you can have his bed. Last winter a patient at my local VA hospital wandered off and was missing for three weeks. they found his body in a ravine 50 yards from the hospital doors.

  10. Sign I saw once:

    “We do 3 kinds of jobs; Fast, Cheap & Good.
    You can have any 2.
    If it’s Fast and Good – It won’t be Cheap.
    If it’s Cheap and Good – It won’t be Fast.
    If it’s Fast and Cheap – It won’t be Good.”

    I’m concerned that the plan they’re brewing up won’t be Fast, Cheap OR Good.

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