Tough, Psychotic Granny

75-year-old woman charged with beating death of fawn. Yeah, it’s horrible, but it’s also kinda badass. Remind me to not walk on her flower beds.


  1. The comments are disturbing. Most seem to think this a a criminal act. It reminds me of a neighbor that call Animal Control because another neighbor’s cat kill a baby rabbit that she had been feeding. Under this premise if a rat is killed in the same manner then the same charges should brought.

  2. President Obama issued a statement saying that she should have entered into tough diplomacy with the fawn, Michael Moore blamed personal gardens and began a movie calling for state control of all farming, and France surrendered.

  3. Re: Survival of the fittest

    Seriously, she beat it to death. It’s not like she went out and wasted it with a 12 gauge or had some sort of devious trap. If the thing isn’t smart enough and fast enough to get away from a 75 year old woman, it probably deserves to be beaten to death. (And I’m not limiting that thought to just deer either.)

  4. She should get a Commendation for preventing the spead of Lyme Disease.>>>SISSY LIBERAL PROBLEM: Deer overpopulation due to SISSY LIBERAL anti-hunting laws.>>> 75 Year Old Woman’s Solution: Beat ravenous garden eating Lyme disease carrying fawn to death

  5. Boy, you read the comments, and you can understand why that classless pos in the white house took ohio. What a bunch of whiny assed liberal scumbags. Douchebags? save the deer! Save the bullits! beat a sissy liberal to death witha shovel.

  6. It has been my long standing position that —if you can take a deer by hand,Knife,shovel, or hammer you should get to keep it without purchasing tags. Also I would like that 75 year old to teach me her stalking skills.

  7. I think that old woman should get a medal , the deer was obviously a spy in the Animal Conspiracy. Thanks to Tim Bedore we now know these are probing attacks by the animals of the world to find weak spots in our defenses. I will sleep better tonight knowing that granny is on the front lines.

  8. I don’t know….my family and I have been hunters and raising livestock for food forever and if my g-maw did this……I’d definitely think something ain’t right with her.

    The firefighter…, I know something ain’t right with that one. Serial killer material there.

  9. This is a perfect example of why I kill as many polar bears, bald eagles, mountain lions and wolves as I can. They are cruel to animals and therefore deserve to die. I’m all about animal justice.

  10. It reminds me of when a then-girlfriend’s 16-year-old arthritic cat killed a mole and brought it to the porch. She told the cat, “yeah, I guess you still can catch something that’s BLIND”. My gramma killed a nest of copperhead snakes with a hoe.

    Personally, I don’t care about critters as long as they are outside my house. If the need to stay out of a garden, build a fence. Unless there’s some disaster and I’m desperate for meat – then we set traps and the garden feeds me twice.

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