Where Obama Went Wrong

Maybe it’s a little early to do a post-mortem on Obama, but his popularity is sinking and the prospects of him passing any more big legislation are looking dim. So where did Obama go wrong?


* You tried to destroy too much of the country too quickly. The economy, foreign affairs, the automobile industry, energy, health care — that’s far too much to destroy in one’s first couple months in office without getting people suspicious. You have four years to render America unlivable so spread it out.

* When unemployment figures were announced, you always appeared in the background stroking a cat and laughing manically. That gave people the idea you didn’t share their pain.

* You kept pronouncing “economy” as “eco-money” which gave people the impression that maybe you didn’t really understand the concept.

* You let Biden keep speaking instead of locking him in an undisclosed location and killing the only person the location was disclosed to.

* When asked what’s the biggest problem America faced, you probably should have given a better answer than, “Too many white people.”

* You had far too many press conferences. And in too many of them you inexplicably had a bucket stuck on your head.

* When foreign dictators told you about what they hated about America, you kept suggesting other things saying, “Don’t you hate that too? I hate that.”

* You really have to scream at cops less. And stop calling them honkeys.


  1. Obama jumped the shark when he threw out the ball at the All Star game. He though he was uber cool, but appeared uber fool. The girly throw, mom jeans, and Cominsky Park seemed to resignate with people unlike his double-talk on the economy or other matters. He finally became an object of ridicule and not just on the right.

  2. * You whistle your ‘S’s when you speak, especially at the end of a phrase. The beaver on “Lady and the Tramp” is less annoying than listening to you sssslither through your ssspeechessss.

    “Gee, it worksss SSSSwell!!!”

  3. Actually Obama has never ‘gone wrong’ he’s just acted in ways any liberal Democrat would have….but the people who voted for him, and put him into office, they sure went wrong!

  4. Obama’s “jump the shark” moment was the presser in which he had nothing new to say about the health care takeover, thought his smilin’ blather would turn the tide, and revealed that he WAS listening for 20 years in Reverend Wright’s racist church , after all.

  5. Obama went wrong when he not only disclosed the location of Jarjar Biden, but gave a lackey the key to let him out. Wanting to help the soon-to-be dictator of honduras didn’t help. Teh One should have had Ted Kennedy drive the Honduran senate and supreme court down to the ocean. Much more subtle.

  6. Are we talking Barack Sr., or Barack Jr.? Barack Sr. went wrong when he met Stanley Ann Dunham at a RUSSIAN language class in Hawaii. Barack Jr. went wrong when: 1) born 2) became a Mooslim 3) Mentored by William Ayers at Columbia University 4) Attended Hahvahd University at the largesse of Khalid al-Mansour 5) Learned Chicago thug thizzle for 20+ years 6)Married a Klingon 7) Forced his Democrat opponents off the ballot for his first State Senate Election (Chicago thug thizzle) 8)Voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act (life for me but not for thee). 9) Voted present 130 times in State Senate. 10)Elected to U.S Senate, 2 years later, Running for President. 11) Visited 57 states while campaigning 12) Had to re-do the Oath of Office (had his fingers crossed the 2nd time)……………………..

  7. 4 of 7 says:

    wise man speaks because he has something to say.
    A foolish man speaks because he has to say something.

    hussein speaks because he loves the sound of his own voice.

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