Yes, Boxer, Black People Can Think Differently From Each Other

Watch as Senator Boxer gets confused that black people can have different opinions from each other.
I don’t know who this Alford guy is, but I like him:

You ever get the feeling that the member of the Ku Klux Klan just got more condescending, stopped wearing the sheets, and became today’s white liberals?


  1. No FrankJ you owe a big apology to the Klan.

    They did not evolve into our current crop of “liberals”, “progressives” or whatever they are calling themselves these days.

    The Klan may be full of ignorant morons with no real basis for their abhorrent opinions that cause everyone decent to shun them (so I see the source of your confusion).

    But the inbred hillbillies sheet heads are at least honest about their stupid goals and horrible beliefs. Leftists are, frankly, not honest enough to be Klansmen.

  2. Re-watching it, you can actually see the rage building inside of her at being questioned like this from one of her servants.

    Scrunt is a compliment for a sub-human piece of garbge like this wench.

  3. Boxer is simply the worst of the smug, condescending, race baiting left. Good for this guy Alford for challanging this dangerous idiot on her typical injection of racial politics into an issue that has nothing to do with race or gender. This woman is going to get people impoverished with her mental illness…

    It is infuriating to see Boxer speaking down to this gentleman, and treating him like a house Negro…instead of viewing him simply as a businessman and executive. She is a racist nutbag…like the bulk of the Dem left. So when are we going to fire these idiots wholesale?

  4. It’s not the fact that this woman is such an absolute moron that’s disturbing. It’s the fact that people vote for this thing that’s truly disturbing. How embarrassing for the idiots from her district to stand their and take credit for this moronic elitist pig.

  5. Wow!! And he didn’t even call her mamm! If I was the general who got his ass chewed for not addressing her as ‘senator’, I’d buy this guy the most expensive bottle of scotch I could find and send it to him special delivery.

  6. I hate to play wet blanket, and she looks as stupid as ever, but didn’t the fact that the Mr. Alford showed up as the Head of the Black Chamber of Commerce introduce race into the hearings?

  7. The NAACP resolution that Boxer quotes, does not quote any particular study to support it’s resolution. The 100 Black Men Resolution quotes the NAACP Resolution.

    Harry C. Alford’s group conducted Reaserch into the matter. Senator Boxer counters his facts with the opinions of two other groups. Instead of looking at the content coming from the groups, Boxer only sees a black group oppsing her agenda. So she counters with the opinions of two black groups who support climate change, but not particularly her bill. It’s pure soft racisim. Saddly the left doesn’t get it:

  8. Now watch as the Left will try to destroy Harry C. Alford, like they wnt after Joe the Plumber, Sarah Palin and anyone else who dares point out their shortcommings. I’ll bet Keith Olberman has him as the Worst person in the world.

  9. Congratulations to Mr. Alford! Somebody finally had the guts to say plainly and succinctly, that “the king (Leftist royalty) has no clothes”. Here is the “hope” for America — that decency, sanity, intellectual honesty, and patriotism will be expressed right out loud, right in the faces of people like Boxer.

    Boxer is the typical Lefto-Liberal: ideologically radical and intellectually shallow because she has been hornswaggled by the thinly disguised anti-American values and clever doublespeak propaganda of the hardcore Left. And this didn’t just start in the 1960s; it was in the Progressiveism throughout the 20th century, and going back to Marx and Darwin. Like all her fellow brainwashed Progressives, she is also clueless to the clear reality right in front of her: she doesn’t listen to people because she isn’t interested in anything but her own view. Just like Obama and Geithner, Frank and Dodd, Kennedy and Schumer, and all the Lefto judges and justices. Does Boxer realize that she’s being closed-minded, or is it that she just doesn’t care if we see it because she feels so secure in her position of power? She and her Lefto-Lib comrades are all-too-willingly, eagerly dismissive of people if they don’t fit her politically correct view and its sympathetic concept of the quintessentially utopian society and world. Well, Mr. Alford has opened the door and wedged it open. We had better follow up with similar words and other actions, or we’ll be seeing America, One-World Nation Under the God-Obama and his Leftist horde of degenerates.

    AND … during a part of the exchange between Alford and Boxer, she allows the black man “the privilege” of calling her “ma’am” (instead of her “worked hard for” title of Senator), and he used it multiple times. This, about two weeks after she viciously humiliated a brigadier general — a white man — who was being respectful, and had gotten out about 8 words total, including “yes, ma’am” . And the Libs wonder why some of us come to the conclusion that “talking to them” isn’t worth the time (not to mention our breath, which apparently is pollution that must be controlled down to the atom by the Federal Government).

  10. Another scrunt from commiefornistan. Where is the classless disgrace to say something about her race baiting? Where is the racist organization naacp? where is the racist aclu? Why is the clan not applauding her?

    and How did Frank J get that knot on his head? Let me guess.. he gave SarahK a used vaccuum for her birthday?

  11. “I hate to play wet blanket, and she looks as stupid as ever, but didn’t the fact that the Mr. Alford showed up as the Head of the Black Chamber of Commerce introduce race into the hearings?”

    That’s what I thought at first, too, but if you look at her comments, especially near the end, it sounds like she’s basically saying “I’m trying to build support for this measure. These other black people support it. You should also support it, since you and your organization are also black!”

    The notion of “the individual” is incomprehensible to the leftist mind.

  12. I love this guy. If he’s for reals someone (Michael Steel, mayhaps) needs to get him on board the Conservative Express. We need more like him, ie people who will stand up and call a liberal the crazy, stupid, nut-job they are, instead of people who seem to have taken a crash course in jackassery (which is what we already have, sigh).

  13. Which is worse, evil or crazy? Which is worse, Feinstein or Boxer? Same question, I know, but it’s the kind of question you find yourself asking a lot when you’re traped in the peoples Republic of Kalifornia.

  14. All Negro Party members are racists. They hate whites because they keep discriminating against them. They hate blacks because they have set up a system that guarantees poverty, no education, encouraging ebonics talking fools.

  15. About 2 years ago, I came to the realization that most of the modern world’s evils can be attributed to white liberals. They either directly cause it or enable those who do.

    If Reverend Wright had inserted liberal after “white”, he would have been on to something.

    About three years ago, I had a forum discussion with a liberal who might as well have been Boxer. His mentality was such (and likely still is)that he felt he could make an intentionally degrading remark about a certain black conservative official for being a black conservative and it did not reflect on him as a racist. His mantra was, basically, “I’m a Democrat and Democrats support civil rights!” As if that was supposed to discredit any point I made about his remark. He became very upset when I refused to follow the DNC script and slink away.

  16. I was recently reading about how there is some probability of BHOs ancestors on both mother and fathers sides being involved in slave ownership and trading in Africa or just ownership in the US (mothers side). Which must be what makes him such an angry and guilty sounding fool all the time. The only links I remember were Sweetness And Light and Cynthia Yockey (?). Of course that makes him guilty of nothing but should at least be on the table when our reparations bill comes due.

  17. The KKK terrorized and killed black people, white people who supported black people, Jews, Catholics, and anyone else who they didn’t consider 100% white American.
    But at least they showed their victims the dignity of hating them.
    Boxer couldn’t even see or hear the man in front of her.

  18. OMG. (hangs head in shame) I live in Cali. But I swear — I SWEAR — I never voted for Boxer, Feinstein, Pelosi, Waxman . . . oh good grief. Why do all the crazies come from my state?

  19. True story: Well, my English professor said it was a true story, and he had a Phd.

    The KKK formed a chapter in a town in North Dakota. There weren’t a whole heck of a lot of black people for them to hate, so they decided to burn crosses in front of a Catholic church and a Jewish Synagogue. The priest and the rabbi had a meeting the next day. That night persons unknown started a bon-fire in front of the home of the secret head of the KKK.
    Problem solved.

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