Zo on Cash for Clunkers

Here’s Zo talking about Cash for Clunkers:

I think Zo is best when he’s straight up ranting as he usually cuts right to the heart of the issue (though I kinda like the sketch tacked on to the end of this one).

California SUCKS!!

Crowder talks about California and interviews the governor.

I was born in California, but there is not a job that pays enough to get me back there. Oppressive laws, huge taxes, dysfunctional government — just burn it down for the insurance money.

Happy Hiroshima Day!

64 years later, America is still the only nation on earth to have used nuclear weapons in a war.

Our enemies would do well to remember this, and fear us accordingly

And don’t tell me it could never happen under our current president, because Obama may very well accidentally push a launch button while stumbling around, trying to remove a bucket from his head.

Links of the Day. Part 1.

Mary Katharine Ham the Great takes down the ‘mob’ memo. Hard.

Speaking of, meet the mob. The big, scary mob that the Democrats are peeing their pants over.

Cruelty at its finest: how not to play with a laser pointer.

Greg Gutfeld on G.I. Joe and MSNBC.

Oh, ouch. Matched up against Bush, Obama fails.

Party with the Boxer!!!

You can throw a Boxer house party! I know, you’re thinking, “Why would I throw a Barbara Boxer house party when there’s a gun right here I can blow my brains out with?” Because you get to be part of an extremely patronizing phone conference with her! Just be careful what you say to her, because she is an elected official, you little peon! Also, no black people at your party because right now they confuse her.

Really, though, if you throw one of these would it be better classified as political activism or sado-masochism?

Frank’s random thoughts

Is there like a contest for most patronizing Senator that Boxer is competing in that we don’t know about? And what exactly has Boxer ever done to give her any basis for arrogance? Is any skill needed to being a Senator? They vote “yes” and “no” on stuff. Why should they get any reverence?

I’m pretty partisan so it’s hard to tell, but I’m pretty sure these are the actions of inexperienced morons. So why the change of heart on Ahmadinejad? Did someone at the White House look up Iran on Wikipedia last night?

Idea: Have the power of someone’s vote linked to how much taxes he pays. Democrats like people paying taxes.

So how much is everyone else getting paid to protest Obama’s health care bill? I got $2000.

Do you think we should change the dress code for paid protesters? Boxer seems to have noticed.

I guess someone just needs to explain to Boxer that smelly hippies don’t protest AGAINST free handouts.

Something fishy I heard about healthcare: I hear that under the President’s healthcare plan dental cleaning will be done by a wrasse. And I hear that under the President’s health care plan during a hospital stay you get all the krill you can eat.

I wonder how any man can get close enough to Kim Jong Il to be in a photo with him without strangling that poofy-haired freak.

All this fearmongering about Republican mobs is overblown. They’ve only killed seven Congressmen so far.

I hear some design principles say you should have only one return statement per function. How annoying would that be? I mean, I love organized, well-formatted code, but come on.

Disgusting image of Obama; the only thing missing is a noose.

I think any image of Obama with a halo is evocative of a noose and should be banned.

The Bush years divided us, but Obama has united us all into an angry mob.

Frank has no thoughts

Okay, he has thoughts, but Twitter’s been down most of the morning. I’ll try to tell you what he’s thinking later.

Is Someone You Know Part of an Angry Mob?

IMAO prides itself in being a tool of the American government, and that’s why were happy to spread the word about the biggest problem facing America today: Angry mobs.

Is someone you know a mob member? Look for these telltale signs:


* Does he ever express disapproval of Obama and thus of both hope and change?

* Does he enjoy racist imagery such as Obama depicted as a Batman villain?

* Does he always complain about made up things like socialism?

* Does he act in ways against his own benefit, such as disapproving of free health care?

* Has he ever referred to a Senator as “ma’am”?

* Does he express delusional thought such as believing Obama isn’t smart and doesn’t know what he’s doing?

* Does he express interest in a “Tea Party” or any other neo-Nazi group?

* Does he show a disconnect of reality, believing Congressmen have the time or patience to read the bills they sign?

* Does he listen to anything on radio other than NPR?

* Does he shown signs of paranoia such as believing Obama is lying?

If someone you know shows these signs of being an angry mob member, report him or her to flag@whitehouse.gov. Someone will soon be a long to take care of the person and you can be assured it will be kind and loving care. Do not ask for the exact nature of this care; that’s someone an angry mob member would do.

Why So Capitalist?

In my new column for Pajamas Media, I look into whether it’s fair to compare Obama to the Joker. When other people are giving stupid commentary, Frank J. giver smart commentary.

Swastikas and symbols like that

Nancy Pelosi has uncovered that Nazis are behind the protests at health care town hall meeting (tip: Wizbang):

[Direct link]

Interviewer: Do you think there’s legitimate grassroot opposition going on here?
Pelosi: “I think they’re Astroturf… You be the judge. “They’re carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare.”

“Symbols like that?” That means it’s not just the Nazis, but other groups that the Democrats feel are just like Nazis.

“Who?” you ask. I’m glad you asked.


Star of David

Walmart vest
Wal-mart workers

New York Yankees hat
Sports fans

Medic Alert

Be a good Democrat. If you see anyone wearing hate symbols like these, report them. They are dangerous.