Six Flags

Hi there! You may know me from the Six Flags amusement parks. But today, I’m here to tell you about the new government flags program. Sounds like fun, huh?

The Obama administration and the Democratic party are looking out for your best interests. And it all begins with health care.

The administration knows what’s best. And the best thing for you is to help push the health care bill through the Congress.

But, you know what? There are swastika-carrying people that are showing up, doing un-American things like asking questions and protesting that representatives are going against the will of the people.

To help us, here’s what you can do: report them!

Yes, simply send an email to It’s that easy! And fun!

If you know someone who opposes health care, whether it’s speaking out against the president’s proposal at the water cooler at work, or writing dissent on a blog, send us an email to … and we’ll flag them!

Later, we’ll expand the program to accepting emails to flag people about all kinds of things. When we’re done, we’ll have flags for:

  1. Opposing government health care
  2. Disagreeing with judicial appointments
  3. Protesting tax increases
  4. Speaking out against government takeovers of other industries
  5. Voicing opposition to Obama’s initiatives
  6. Think bad thoughts

Sound like fun? Of course it does! It’s F-U-N! Fun!

At the new Six Flags over America program, you’ll be able to flag all your co-workers, neighbors, family members … anyone who doesn’t support the party line.

Yes, we put the F-U in FUN! Send emails of dissidents to

Six Flags over America! More Flags! More fun!

Crowder vs. The Mob

Crowder get mauled by an angry mob:

To be featured on Hannity tonight, so look for Crowder there. I finally got Fox News Channel in HD, but that almost too much detail for Hannity.

Mars Attacks

A monolith had been found on Mars, which means one of two things:

1) Somehow an usual rock formation occurred.

2) Alien civilization.

Occam’s Trent Reznor says the latter is the possibility we must assume is true.

I’ve long said we need to declare war on Mars, and then if we eventually find life we’ll be prepared. It may be too late for that now. Our only option is to nuke the moon and show Mars what we’re capable of. We’ll be like, “This is what happens to large things in range of us!” Then the martians will know their monolith won’t be able to protect them. Unless they have like four monoliths.

Democrat Debate Cycle

The health care “debate” is giving us a good idea of how Democrats debate when they’re in power. Anyway, here is their whole debate cycle so you know when we’re reaching the end:


* Call you a racist.

* Have you beaten by union thugs.

* Call you un-American.

* Scream at you how much smarter they are.

* Call you a racist again.

* Threaten to put you into a reeducation camp.

* Unintelligible gibberish.

* Curl into a ball and whimper.


Pelosi and Hoyner are calling dissent un-American now? How many people do you think are out there who don’t automatically dismiss anything Pelosi says as shrill lies and actually like America? Pelosi is so out of touch she’s more freakish side show than politician.

Anywho, here are a list of things that are un-American:

* Bloated federal government.

* Government control of private sector.

* Nanny-state government.

* High taxation.

* Giant, bloated bills being passed without even being read.

So, basically, the Democratic Party’s platform.

Random Thoughts

They’re going to be sending the unions after townhall protesters? So the solution to a mob is the mob?

If Obama wanted to appear post-racial, the easiest way would be to denounce in no uncertain terms the people calling his opponents racist.

Last time someone said I was part of an angry mob, I set him on fire and stabbed him with a pitchfork.

If Jeb Bush is the replacement for Martinez, can we expect the left to squeal a lot? I like it when they squeal. Squeal like stuck pigs.

I’m glad Obama doesn’t care enough about Iraq and Afghanistan to demand a mindlessly liberal approach to them.

The left compared the president to Hitler until it was yawn worthy. Now it’s a problem?

If the Nazis were still around, they’d probably compare everyone who disagreed with them to themselves.

I’m a little confused: What was the Nazis’ stance on socialized medicine and low taxes?

I like tattoos and motorized bikes. I am not your normal Republican. I am edgy.

Democrats with a majority is like a sissy with a gun: Great power, but too cowardly to pull the trigger.

Does ObamaCare cover being beaten up by union thugs?

You remember the more lighthearted days when dissent against the president didn’t get the crap beaten out of you?

Weird how we get a black president and now the exact same positions conservatives always had on taxes and health care are now racist.

The way the WaPo article linked the Obama-Joker image with racism it could have just as easily linked it with Kevin Bacon.

So we have at least 3 1/2 ahead of us of being called racist and being threatened with violence. Yay Obama!

Though my cat seems aloof, her blank stare lets me know that I exist and am moving.

Bill Maher is a little troll who hosts a talk show. Who gave him the idea he was smart?

What is the exit condition for the “Lather. Rinse. Repeat.” loop?