The Compassion of Liberals

Apparently Obama questioned whether his own grandma should have gotten a hip replacement given her age and condition. You might wonder why Obama thought so little of his own grandma, but remember she was a white person.

Anyway, the guy not sure about treating his own grandma is going to be the one decided on care for your loved ones. No worries.

Obamacare Myths and Facts

White House adviser David Axelrod is going to try to start his own viral e-mail responding to attacks on Obamacare. It will include responses to eight “myths” about Obamacare, and since I know all of you come to IMAO as your primary news source, I obtained those myths and the White House’s response so you can see them here:


MYTH: Obamacare will institute “death panels” to judge who should live and who should die.
FACT: People deciding who will live and who will die will be single Obama-appointed bureaucrats, so no panels are involved.

MYTH: Obamacare will force you from your current employer provided insurance.
FACT: With Obama leading the economy, you were probably going to lose your job and insurance anyway.

MYTH: Obamacare will kill your grandma.
FACT: Your grandma will die from a natural condition that Obamacare will refuse to treat.

MYTH: Obamacare will lead to rationing.
FACT: Procedures will be eliminated wholesale instead of rationed.

MYTH: Obamacare will make me wait weeks or months for necessary medical procedures.
FACT: If you’re waiting that long, then obviously a qualified individual like Barney Frank or Nancy Pelosi decided the procedure wasn’t necessary.

MYTH: Obamacare will be financed by cutting Medicare.
FACT: Obamacare will be financed by eliminating Medicare recipients.

MYTH: While many people will be forced onto the substandard public option, members of Congress will get a separate, much better plan.
FACT: They will be on the same plan, but on a much much higher tier than will be made available to the hoi polloi.

MYTH: Obamacare will be extremely costly and result in putting the country even further in debt.
FACT: There is no confirmation of this, as the solar-powered calculator Obama tried to use to calculate the cost only allowed numbers up to the tens of billions.

The Government Has Cookies!

The government is going to put data on your hard drive to keep track of you!!!111!!!


Cookies are a text file on your computer you let websites have access to (most browsers are set to automatically grant access, but you can change that setting) so they can keep track of your preferences. Pretty much every site uses them. If you comment on IMAO and wonder how IMAO can keep track of your commenter name so you don’t have to reenter on every visit, that’s a cookie. Frankly, it’s stupid government websites haven’t been able to use cookies for this long.

If cookies scare you, change your browser settings. Yes, it could be possible for the government to use cookies to keep track of your surfing habits, but the website for Tide detergent can do that now. Hell, I can do that now.

Are you freaking out?

A Death Panel By Any Other Name…

Obama says there will be no “Death Panels”.

So I’m wondering… is he saying that the government won’t start denying people care based on cost vs. expected productive value to society, or is he just saying they won’t call this cacophany of bean-counting bureaucrats a “Death Panel”?

I suspect the latter, so I expect the final Obamacare bill will empower its decision-making assemblage under a different name.

Some possibilities:

Caskets for Clunkers

Reaper Review Board

Cessation Commission

Termination Task Force

Curtains Committee

Departure Directorate

Burial Board

Casualty Cabinet

Funeral Forum

Eradication Convocation

Mortality Moderators

Grave Group

Monty Python Parrot Panel

If you were Obama, what you name YOUR “Death Panel”?

Random Thoughts

I can never keep up with political correctness; I just got thrown out of the Ku Klux Klan for being homophobic.

No matter how many Sea World employees I talk to, I can never get a straight answer on whether dolphins taste good.

We get called racist for being against spending and government health care – not looking good for when illegal immigration is an issue again.

Some people apparently love the NHS, so if you want government health care, PLEASE MOVE TO BRITAIN!

Is it okay to be racist against Brits because I’m feeling pretty racist against Brits.

If you’re moronic enough to refer to government run health care as “free”, you have no place in this debate.

“Freedom isn’t free, but health care is! Pick the cheaper option!”

If liberals get to refer to health care as “free”, can we refer to the invasion of Iraq as being “free”?

Free at the point of use? “My couch is free! I paid for it at the store, but now any time I use it at home, it’s free!”

I’d live every day like it was my last, but I’m not sure of the benefit of uncontrollable sobbing.

Harold and Kumar weigh in on Obamacare

If Obamacare passes and I have to go to the hospital, I’d have to wait until 2258 to finally see my doctor.*

Dude, if I was a doctor under Obamacare, I’d shoot myself.*

If we’d have had Obamacare when I was younger, today, I would be Todd Bridges.