Blazing Saddles if “socialist” was the the “N-word”

When it was reported last week that MSNBC’s Carlos Watson started to wonder if socialist is the new N-Word, I was at a loss for words. Until today.

I read some tweets by Peter Schmugge directly addressed that. I told him I was stealing it.

With that said, I’m updating an old post.

Here is Blazing Saddles if “socialist” was the the “N-word”
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Except For The Crossed Lines In A Circle Topped By Bird Wings Floating Above The Countryside And Some Rays Of Light, They’re Completely Different

ABC quotes Rush Limbaugh:

“And if you go and take a look at this, you will find that the Obama health care logo is damn close to a Nazi swastika logo”

Is Rush right?

You tell me.

Tips for getting the voters behind Obamacare

The most recent numbers show that support for Obamacare is tanking drastically, so I thought I’d give the president some advice on how to improve those numbers.

*Clarify that Obamacare isn’t going to kill your grandma. It’s going to kill both of your grandmas. So now you won’t have to worry about getting that chartreuse knitted sweater for Christmas anymore. Nobody likes chartreuse.

*Make sure voters know that you’ll only have to wait months to see a doctor if you don’t die in the first few weeks after you get sick. A little suffering is good for the soul and builds character.

*Tell representatives and senators to be even more arrogant and dismissive at townhalls about voter concerns. I know I always realize I’m wrong if someone shrugs me off.

*Emphasize the exciting provision that the IRS is getting involved! I always say we need more IRS in our lives.

*Point out the related provision that people who don’t have health care coverage during any part of the tax year will be taxed. Because it’s free healthcare.

*Free Barbra Streisand CD and canvas Che Guevara handbag with voter buy-in!

Do you have suggestions for how the president can improve support for Obamacare? Put them in the comments.

America and Politicians and Stuff

I like America. It’s a neat country. We have lots of cool things here like mountains and water parks and nachos. And you don’t have lots of mean people pushing you around like in a lot of other countries. As a Christian, I especially appreciate how we don’t get hunted down and killed; Christianity did thrive even with the getting hunted down and killed, but I think it works better without it.

So nice country with neat stuff and no mean people pushing us around and we don’t get killed for our beliefs.

Problem is we leave the governing to politicians who are incompetent but think they’re smart. That’s a bad combination. They want more power to push everybody around when really we just gave them jobs none of us felt like doing because we’re too busy working on important useful stuff. Who here has time for a political campaign? Most politicians just get to vote yes or no on stuff, which shouldn’t be that hard of a job. We tell them, “Vote yes on the good stuff and no on the bad stuff… and leave us alone because we’re busy and have work to do.” It seems simple, so I don’t know where they get the ego from. You’re not better than us, you work for us. Like if I owned a McDonald’s and one of the employees called me an “evil-monger,” that would not do well for his performance review. And if he was very old, it might be time for him to retire.

I think a lot of countries don’t get America. They just have different attitudes. It’s like they’re used to thieves who break into their house all the time and steal all their stuff, so they’re so happy when they find a thief who at least returns their TV. On other hand, we would beat up that thief and set him on fire because YOU DON’T TOUCH OUR STUFF! We have what they call “self-esteem,” which means we like ourselves and think we can do very well for ourselves if others don’t interfere.

So what’s my point? I have no idea. I wouldn’t mind if the government was full of dumb people saying lots of dumb, mean things about us as long as they don’t have any actual power to make us do any of their foolish idea. People have thought that for a long time, though. It’s a neat idea, but when people see power, they grab for it. Especially useless people who think they need it to feel better about themselves.

Anyway, maybe Congress would try to push us around less if we got them some more hobbies or something.

Random Thoughts

Tip: One way to legalize that status of illegal immigrants is to send them back to their home country.

If Ron Paul was the last surviving man on earth, he’d still be part of the nutso fringe.

I’m not a bad man, but neither is a rock.

Every time I read Frum, I get very violent. He needs to shut up for everyone’s safety.

What would health care be like if we treated health insurance like homeowners insurance – only come into play for the catastrophic? How expensive would homeowners insurance be if it had to pay every time we had someone mow our lawn?

If there’s a vote, I’d be happy never hearing any news about John Edwards ever again no matter how salacious.

Anyone who didn’t see John Edwards as the biggest phony in politics should be disqualified from ever voting again.

Flag Yourself

The new Crowder video… with guest stars!

I hope no one has flagged IMAO; we’re trying to go under the radar in case things don’t work out.