Man Arrested for Brandishing Constitution at Obama Rally

PHOENIX (AP) — A man carrying a copy of the US Constitution was arrested while demonstrating outside President Obama’s speech to veterans on Monday.

Hater with hateful hate speech

Although Arizona law currently allows citizens to openly carry a Constitution for purposes of self-defense against tyrants and despots, such laws are usurped in the presence of the President.

“A venue is considered a federal site when the Secret Service is protecting the president and federal law applies on a federal site,” said Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan.

Because the Constitution contains language “limiting” the powers of President – and was also written by slave-owners who considered blacks to be “three-fifths” of a person and not eligible for the office of the Presidency – the document is not protected as “free speech”. Instead, it’s covered under federal hate speech laws if one is brought within 1000 feet of President Obama.

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that the incident was being taken “very seriously” and that the FBI was considering further action.

“The US Constitution is a violent and revolutionary document, directly responsible for at least two wars in this nation,” said Gibbs. “Insurrectionist chatter like that may require us to consider charges of treason. We’re currently investigating the possibility, which will take some time, since no one in this administration has ever actually examined the document in question.”

“Free speech is not an absolute,” explained FBI spokesman John Miller. “You can’t yell ‘Fire!’ in a crowded theater. Waving a Constitution around is essentially yelling ‘freedom!’ at a crowded Obama rally. We consider this sort of offensive language a direct threat to civil order in general and the President in particular, and it will not be tolerated.”

Science Backs Zombies

So “scientists” have studied the possibility of zombie attacks and declared it would most like wipe out all of humanity. They say that unless we strike back quickly, it might “lead to the collapse of civilisation” and perhaps even spread to places not scared of the letter ‘z’.

Of course, I want to see their data and all their assumptions on zombies (do they live forever or do they eventually starve?). Still, I think they should rerun their model but with America having space lasers, giant robots, and dinosaurs armed with rocket launchers. I don’t think zombies could last against our awesomeness in that case.

Also, when are they going to do a scientific model to tell us who would win in a fight between ninjas and pirates?

Republicans Plotting to Kill the President?

So Howard Dean recently said Republicans want to “kill the bill and kill the president.” Now you may dismiss this saying that Howard Dean is an unstable moron who shoots his mouth off — like an angrier Biden — but it’s worth considering. If Republicans were plotting to kill Obama, they’d have plenty of opportunity to do so… unless Obama is never bi-partisan and thus never has a reason to meet with Republicans.

Obama is wilier than you thought, huh?

Stab Happy

So a seventeen year old girl in Brazil has confessed to killing thirty men with a knife. That’s kinda hard to fathom. Now, I’ve never killed anyone with a knife, but it sounds messy. I bet most people after killing someone with a knife are like, “That was not pleasant. I should not do that again.” But apparently, some people are like, “That was fun. I should find other opportunities to do that.”

Also, the article mentions that just recently in Brazil a TV show host was arrested for arranging killings to boost his rating. What’s going on in Brazil? These two are pretty much Batman-level supervillians as is.

Anyway, I nominate them both for Obama’s death panel.

Random Thoughts

Movie Idea: Zombie Terrorists – “They didn’t get their virgins, and now they want your brains!

Gibbs should end every statement he says with, “Snarf snarf.”

If there’s a political message you really want people to hear, train a dog to say it. Everyone will listen to a talking dog.

Idaho has tags for wolves going on sale. Don’t think I could shoot a dog, though. Plus wolves are such well-behaved dogs. They pretty much never bark. I should make Rowdi watch a Discovery channel special on wolves in hopes she’ll learn how a real dog acts.

Rowdi is half German Shepherd, half pit bull. That means any day she could suddenly snap and become a Nazi.

Would anyone disagree that manhood peaked with John Wayne and has gone downhill ever since?