Frank J. and SarahK Meet Their New Neighbor Part 2

Part 1.

Frank Advice for Life

You’ll save yourself time picking out what to eat at a restaurant if you stop reading any menu as soon as you reach the word “nachos”.

E-Mail from Pelosi on Ted

Somehow I’m on Nancy Pelosi’s e-mail list and just got sent this. I wonder if they’re being a bit opportunistic about Ted Kennedy’s death and a bit obtuse of how he’s perceived by the public at large:

I have great news! Ted Kennedy just died! The nostalgia from his death should be just what we need to help pass the health care bill!

The health care bill will ensure that… well, I’m not quite sure what’s in it right now. BUT IT NEEDS TO PASS! That’s why we will now name the bill in honor of Ted Kennedy. Everyone should support it then since they all loved and respected Ted Kennedy as a man of the people if the reaction here in San Francisco is any indication.

Ted Kennedy was a fierce advocate. That means he talked about stuff. Really hard. And a lot. And about liberal stuff. No one else could have done that. Well, I guess about anyone could have done it, but not while being John F. Kennedy’s brother. And that certainly excuses him of whatever silliness it is that right-wing extremists are accusing him of.

So let’s get this health care bill passed for the memory of Ted Kennedy, a great, magnanimous man who in his great and storied life only vomited and passed out on me once. He cared and fought for each and every one of you no matter what… unless he was drunk and scared and felt he needed the night to get himself together. But we all understand that.

Representative Nancy Pelosi

Random Thoughts

No, Senator John Kerry is not as bad as Kennedy. The people he killed probably had it coming.

The way Ted Kennedy continued on in the Senate while everyone acted like that was normal makes me think of Kitty Genovese.

The death of Ted Kennedy is a lot like 9/11 for amoral, callous, partisan shills.

Actually, if someone hit Ted Kennedy with a plane, that would have been so awesome.

Ted Kennedy actually had a dog named Splash? How many enablers did he have to be that callous and out of touch?

The more I think about Ted Kennedy, the more I lose respect for every senator who served with him. I feel bad for ignoring the outrage until now. How does someone like that get to remain as Senator? How do you work with him after what happened? PLEASE EXPLAIN!!

So how many women can you leave suffocating in a car before you lose your feminist credentials?

I’ve never wanted to strangle a liberal more than when I see them try to excuse TK’s crimes because of his years of “advocacy”. WTF?!! 40 years of “advocacy” and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee… well, pre-Starbucks it did.

DECLARATION: Anyone who excuses, or looks up to Ted Kennedy is as morally reprehensible as any overt racist.

The Improbable Political Existence of Ted Kennedy

My Pajamas Media column is up in which I try and fail to comprehend how Ted Kennedy had a political career. I still don’t get how anybody could work with that guy and pretend that’s normal.

BTW, I forgot I drew Ted Kennedy is a comic once.