California SUCKS!!

Crowder talks about California and interviews the governor.

I was born in California, but there is not a job that pays enough to get me back there. Oppressive laws, huge taxes, dysfunctional government — just burn it down for the insurance money.


  1. “If you carefully read your policy, you will note that we are not financially liable for fire,earthquake, or blatant mismanagement. Unless by monkeys. Riding dinosaurs. Wearing under-roos.”


    Mutual of Admiration

  2. hate to be first and with a negative comment. By far the worst one Steve has done. I guess they all can’t be winners.

    [Well, I liked it, so you are banned from IMAO for life. Ban is self-enforced. -Ed.]

  3. Numba 1) This was my favorite Steve Crowder clip, as a matter of fact, it’s almost unbeatable.

    Numba 2) Frank, if Rob Long invited you to California to co-write a movie/tv show with you as the IMAO star, I’m sure you would jump at the chance.

    Numba 3) So THERE ! ! ! !

  4. That was below the belt, Frank. California is a beautiful state. Wonderful happy people live here. You should be thankful that you can tell all your friends you live in a country that includes California. You should be like, “Hey! California RAWKS! I’d be happy to give half my income to support the welfare big dog state of California.”

    I will never read IMAO again. You will suffer for this — ALL of you!

  5. I can never go back to California. I got a jaywalking ticket in SD in ’67 and didn’t pay it. The compounded fine would probably settle their state debt!

    BTW, I hate avacados too!

  6. I escaped from Hotel (Southern) California in 1990. It was a black hole then, can’t imagine what 19 Years of Libtardianism has done to it. I can’t even say,’Nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there.’,because it isn’t even a nice place to visit anymore.>>>Now if someone would just napalm Boston…

  7. Actually Arnie did a good thing recently by vetoing the “Internet Advertising Tax” bill, which would have killed off a lot of small internet businesses. It’d kill mine if it passed in my state. So kudos for terminating that. The rest, well, thank goodness I don’t live in CA.

  8. It’s not all bad. Just the coast and Sacramento. And the laws. And the quakes. And, the meth problems. Ok, but if we got rid of all that and kept all the cool hiking, hunting, fishing parts of the state we’d be in good shape.

    And by the way, I’m like, 95% sure that interview with the governor wasn’t real.

  9. Being born and raised in the Los Angeles area and witness to the degradation of my city and it’s beaches I’ve come to the conclusion that it really sucks and is going to suck even more in the near future. I work in television (engineer) and am now actively seeking relocation to another state that offers a family-friendly environment, realistic home prices and beautiful scenery. We’re looking at Texas, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico. Advice anyone? On a side note we vote conservative.

  10. I loved LA but I confused it with the time of film noir. Charleston, SC is a nice town very similar to Boston, without the nastiness and the interpersonal coldness of Boston. Take it from me, I was born and raised in Boston during the glory days of the 1974-1976. There really is not much refuge to find anywhere in the world, as I have discovered in my world travels.

  11. I alway’s get a laugh when people in California use the term “your just jealous”. These folks are part of the problem in California because they actually believe that crap. Instead of making comments of that nature these Californian’s need to realize that their state has become nothing more than a police state but they don’t know the difference because they believe that the laws in all other states are like California which couldn’t be further from the truth and they don’t know the difference because California is the only world they know. I was raised in California back in the fifties and sixties when it was a great state to live in but now it is only a shadow of what it was then and has turned into a major shit hole. Vote out the nanny state politicians in California and the state could once again become the great state it once was but until that happens it will remain nothing but a socialist shit hole.

  12. Terry you are so right it’s not even funny. Seriously, no one is JEALOUS of California and Californians. I don’t need to pay a shitload of money to say I live in California because guess what? I live in one of the biggest cities in the world: New York. And so do millions of other people. That’s the only reason Californians are so smug about their state, because they feel the need to brag about coming from the land of “movies”. Whereas the economy in New York is so stable that we weren’t even effected by the recession, California is reeling. It’s both hilarious and annoying to see Californians whine and try to get into pissing contests with NYC as far as what New York has to offer. I’m sorry, but your state is nothing but hype, I’m sure the only thing worth looking at on the West Coast is sand and leather skin on overly tanned beach bodies. Your state sucks and should be nuked off the planet.

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