Frank Advice for Life

You’ll save yourself time picking out what to eat at a restaurant if you stop reading any menu as soon as you reach the word “nachos”.


  1. Nachos are about the best ever! I used to drive a 15-passenger transit van and it was a long-running joke that we were going to remove the back seat and install a nacho bar complete with sneeze guard. Well, that and one of those frozen margarita dispensers. Mmmm… Nachos….

  2. I see Frank’s Book Of Proverbs is expanding.>>> Every time I see or hear the word Nacho, I think of when Little Hector stole Little Tyrone’s cheese. Little Tyrone was chasing Little Hector around, yelling, It’s not yo cheese! It’s not yo cheese!

  3. I live in ObamAmerica and therefore I have to choose to either pay for my Healthcare of go out to eat at a fancy ass place that serves Nachos. So far I have maintained my expensive Health Care because you unfeeling uncaring right wing guys won’t just shut up and let Barry give me free free free single payer so that I can afford to go out and order Nachos and even take my lovely bride out for a delicious snack once in awhile… Thanks alot your unfeeling right wing racists!!!

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