Fred Thompson on Voter Intimidation

Here is Fred Thompson interviewing Frank Wolf about the New Black Panthers:

In many states, it’s considered voter intimidation just to have Fred Thompson’s name on the ballot.


  1. If those “New Black Panther Party” members had been arrested for their voter intimidation tactics, I’m guessing Lord Barack Hussein would have claimed the cops acted “stupidly”.

  2. Mr Fred Thompson must be on the ballot next time around. This will be the ultimate intimination to pansy liberals to vote against Mr. Fred Thompson!!! They will cave on this one!!! He will receive 100% of the vote without even campaigning! Muwhahahahahah!

  3. The Negro Party making it safe for Negro thugs to intimidate white voters and help steal an election. Thats what the Negro Party does best. Its time to jail the lot of them, starting with Obama.

    [Okay, I think that’s enough of you, Mr. Crazy. BAN! -Ed.]

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