I See White People

Zo’s afraid of white people. Who isn’t?

With an appearance by Whitler!


  1. Pingback: Zo 'afraid of white ppl' satire-kinda funny/goofy - Politics and Other Controversies - City-Data Forum

  2. As a zombie, I must once again voice my displeasure with this characterization of the zombie community. Why must we always be singled out for ridicule? Here we are, minding our own business…okay, perhaps we eat the occasional brain, but who doesn’t? And, I can see where conservatives would be concerned about that, but it’s not like we can eat liberal brains…I mean, think about that concept for one second. However, we don’t even breathe, so we don’t exhale dangerous CO2 and aren’t contributing to the greatest threat that faces the planet: Global warming…err…cooling…err, Al Gore.

    Try being a zombie and sitting at one little league game with your zombie child for just one hour. The constant looks, stares, muttered comments, being approached for European modeling contracts. And, why does everyone assume that zombies can dance? One Michael Jackson video and we’re all Fat Freddie & The Rockets (mid-’70s sit-com reference there).

    And another thing, not everyone that eats brains is a zombie. Sure, we’ve all heard the lingo. “There’s no such thing as being a little bit zombie,” or “Eat one brain and you’re a zombie” but sometimes you’re not really a zombie, just a Japanese businessman.

    And, when someone makes a call to the police claiming that someone is breaking into our crypt, we simply show the cop our ID and thank him for checking it out…then we eat his brain. As for Gates, he’s what we zombies refer to as a “light snack”.

  3. I liked the organic feel of Zo and Steven before PJTV, but they are getting better and better at addressing their strong points. I do miss Steven’s old home made skits filmed by brother Jordan Crowder, though.

  4. I think Crowder does a much better job with this type of format. Zo is better with the rants, Crowder with the skits. Zo just doesn’t have the acting thing going on. That said, I love ’em both and this had some good moments. I think they’re both trying to feel their way through to find their niche. I’m wondering when PJTV is going to hire Frank to come on and read his Tweets.

  5. I’ll take Zo’s schtick – original, regular, all-new, extra crispy or with zombies – over my beloved senators’ dimwittery any day of the week.

    Dang it. Now I made myself hungry. Crispy zombies. Mmm.

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