Internet Takeover

There’s a bill out there that could let Obama take over the internet in case of a cybersecurity emergency. For Obama, that probably means something like someone said something bad about him on the internet. Don’t worry, though: IMAO has a contingency plan. If you get us your address, we’ll mail to you postcards of us making fun of stuff in case the internet is shutdown.

Let’s just hope that an emergency won’t cause a government takeover of the mail.


  1. One day, I’ll come to IMAO only to find that the entire site has been replaced with an audio file of Obama saying, “I see you are practiced in worshiping things that fly. Good.”

    And, Frank, might I suggest carrier pigeons instead of mail?

  2. I suppose he would consider losing polls in the next presidential election sufficient enough to shut all public communication down. The movie Red Dawn got it all wrong, as awesome as it is. Maybe Ayers could set off a few bombs for him…..

  3. I don’t mind the IMAO By Mail option. I wonder how the ads would work? Will we still be able to donate through PayPal? How will we find your CafePress store? And, most importantly, will you also give our address to Harvy?

  4. So to stop an external attack he would cripple the internal communication network and lead the country into darkness and mass panic. Also, why the eff would a terrorist or hacker go after the people? We don’t have military access and soon we won’t even have money to steal.

  5. I’ve also heard that searches at airports include the ability to seize any electronic devices such as computers and phones and, depending which department, keep them from 5 to 15 days. This includes searching all files and programs of anyone who raises suspicion.

  6. “the one” reminds me of some toddlers I’ve known. All day long no matter who had what toy first these little bullies push other kids down and take their toys yelling ” mine, mine, mine, MINE……….

    There is an awesome story in the news today about the possibility of the first white mayor of Atlanta since sometime in the 1970’s. Apparently black civic leaders and activist have problem with this. Not because the person is incompetent, they are very competent, not because they’re unpopular, they have across the board support. No they are upset because she (that’s right SHE) is white.

    “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Rev. Martin Luther King.

    Among those who were gathered on the Washington Mall that hot August day were Bob Dylan and Joan Baez, NAACP president Roy Wilkins, and future U.S. Representative from Georgia John Lewis and (here’s something I didn’t know) actor and future president of the NRA Charlton Heston (who spoke at the event). One of those evil white, racist, right wing conspirators cling to his God and his guns.


  7. Terry_Jim, What about Canadian Bacon Radio?

    Dohtimes, I am much too poor to travel by plane. However, if the possibility of my electronics being seized were to occur, I think I would have to download gay porn so that I would not have to worry about them finding my conservative views and then placing me on some list for it… I’d be on a completely different list.

    Personally I am finding the American Dictatorship, I mean Presidency, has lost its glamor and appeal for the common people of America. What child says that s/he wants to be president once grown? Most people seem to believe, and likely rightly so, that the position is one beyond the common man’s grasp and only wheedling liars can make it. Granted, that is mainly due to the fact that when running the one man has to try to make everyone happy. Aesop had it right when he said that if you try to please everyone you end-up pleasing no one and losing your donkey in the process… Maybe losing the donkey wouldn’t be too bad.

  8. Morse Code Humor:

    .. -. – –.- .-.. ..-. -.-
    (translation: int qlf k)
    (translation of translation: Are you sending with your left foot? Over.)

    That used to crack’em up out in the Pacific back in the ’80’s.
    (you had to be there.)

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