Is Someone You Know Part of an Angry Mob?

IMAO prides itself in being a tool of the American government, and that’s why were happy to spread the word about the biggest problem facing America today: Angry mobs.

Is someone you know a mob member? Look for these telltale signs:


* Does he ever express disapproval of Obama and thus of both hope and change?

* Does he enjoy racist imagery such as Obama depicted as a Batman villain?

* Does he always complain about made up things like socialism?

* Does he act in ways against his own benefit, such as disapproving of free health care?

* Has he ever referred to a Senator as “ma’am”?

* Does he express delusional thought such as believing Obama isn’t smart and doesn’t know what he’s doing?

* Does he express interest in a “Tea Party” or any other neo-Nazi group?

* Does he show a disconnect of reality, believing Congressmen have the time or patience to read the bills they sign?

* Does he listen to anything on radio other than NPR?

* Does he shown signs of paranoia such as believing Obama is lying?

If someone you know shows these signs of being an angry mob member, report him or her to Someone will soon be a long to take care of the person and you can be assured it will be kind and loving care. Do not ask for the exact nature of this care; that’s someone an angry mob member would do.


  1. Thanks Frank, I will keep an eye open. Just to be safe, I think we should all go out and find pitchforks and torches, and stand close together when it gets dark. For this to work we will need at least a couple thousand of us, and we should do this outside the local DNC headquarters, so that Obama will be able to protect us if we do so. We can also symbolically shine Obama’s light on the world, by making life size Obama puppets, and then setting them on fire, that way light emanating from our Obama puppet will shine forth on all of us, and we will be covered in his glory.

  2. “Does he ever express disapproval of Obama…”

    Oh my God!!!!! How could anyone disapprove of Obama?????? That’s crazy talk!!!!! I heard Obama went out and played golf the other day and hit 18 holes in one. He’s just kidding about bowling, because he’s trying to make Special Olympics kids feel better about themselves – in reality, every time he throws the ball down the lane it’s a strike. When they put the new basketball court in at the White House, they had to mount the hoop 25 feet in the air, just to make it a slight challenge for Obama. How could anyone disapprove of him????? He’s amazing!!!!! Anyone who would disapprove of him would have to be insane!!!! May The Great Obama bless their dimented soul.

    Oh, by the way, Bush’s approval ratings were higher at this point in his presidency than Obama’s are now.

  3. Holey Moley!
    I’m a member of an angry mob!

    So, any of you know where I can find a mob to be angry with?

    It gets lonely being a mob of one.

    There’s nobody to get a lighter from if I don’t remember to bring one for my torch.

  4. Frank, we already know from your excerpts of the Healthcare Bill that those that disagree with O-bah-muhhwill recieve ‘free healthcare’ from the Dept. of Mental Defects. The question for me would be, are they a mob of well-dressed astroturfers paid by the evil health insurance companies to try to destroy all that O-bah-muhh has been working so hard for, or,are they dedicated hard working honest individuals come together at the behest of Lord O-bah-muhh to advocate for the O-bah-muhh Miracle Medical Cure?

  5. @ 2 How DARE you mention that Bush person in the same breath as Obama (the savior of us all)? And exactly what were you trying to infer regarding that persons poll rating? I have a fishy suspicion you were being sarcastic sir…. and must report you immediatly. In the meantime please report to Ft. Leavenworth and be prepared to answer for your crimes.

  6. Yeah, yeah, we all know it’s our civic duty as good Americans to spy on and report to the government all the information we can about our fellow citizens….with the policies of the current administration that’s a fact that goes without saying! What I want to know is….what’s in it for ME? Yes, yes, I’m a good citizen, my mind is right, my thoughts are pure, and politically correct. However, what I’d like to know is, if I take time out of my busy schedule to hunt down, identify, and rat out all the dissidents, malcontents, and suspected Republican Party operatives I can find (and they do seem to be everywhere these days) will I receive a monetary reward?

  7. Just do what I did. I sent an email to the address given (

    Here are some sites that I have discovered:–fEC&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1#v=onepage&q=Soviet%20neighborhood%20informants&f=false (specifically the link to that Linda Douglass character)

    I hope this helps. I wanted to be a good Amerikan and please comrade Obama. Long live the Great November Obama Revolution–the main event of the 21st century, the beginning of the worldwide historic turn of humanity away from capitalism and to socialism!

  8. Notice the tea-bagger mobs are all older, even elderly, white folks who’ve been given pitchforks and torches by major corporations and told to rabble rouse against the “evil black president”. They couldn’t care less about heath care, in fact many of them love their government funded Medicare! It’s about racism, plain and simple. Showing a tea-bagger a black president is like showing fire to Frankenstein’s Monster.

    This is the rump of the Republithug Party. This is what’s left of the aging, white, racist American culture of the Old South and rural America. As they die off they will be relegated to the trash can of history and tolerant America will progress forward happily without them.

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    Does he incite impotent retards to leave bitter semi-coherent comments wildly alluding to pitchforks & torches for some unknown reason, aside from them possibly being provided by corporations for the elderly to use?

    That gives me an idea: wouldn’t it be cool to have a pitchfork with Halliburton’s corporate logo on the handle? Now that’d be something to take to an anti-war protest…

    Let’s face it, Joe- if we were to show up with anything like that, it’d be flamethrowers & forklifts to haul the remains away.

  11. Let’s see… I’ve been a ‘racist’ for so long now I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t a ‘racist’. I’ve been a ‘warmonger’ since 2001 – oh – And a ‘fascist’. Now I’m a ‘Tea-bagger’, a ‘right-wing extremist’, a ‘political terrorist’, an ‘anger mobster’, and an ‘astro-turfer’.

    The DNC should print these on cheap plastic cups from China so I can collect the whole set!

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