Less Useless People

If Republicans want a winning platform, it should be the anti-useless people platform. It seems pretty much all of the Democrats are career politicians who’ve never accomplished anything in their entire lives yet for some unfathomable reason think they’re smart and should be able to tell us all what to do. The reason people are so mad is their just starting to come to grips with how insane that is. Ted Kennedy’s death just amplifies that; what in his entire life suggests he should even give people advice nonetheless make the rules?

Of course, it’s not like Republican politicians are that great either. So I suggest we pass a new Amendment: The Purge. Every so many years, everyone is thrown out of the federal government and banned from politics. This forces us to get a new government every so often and emphasizes the fact to politicians that politics is a temporary thing and eventually you have to get a real job.

Originally, the government was supposed to be so small and limited it didn’t matter what idiots we gave it to. Since that ideal is pretty much gone, let’s at least police a bit better who we give the keys to the car to. Half the Congress probably couldn’t have gotten a job managing a shift at the local Dairy Queen, and yet their trying to take over anything in the economy they can get their grubby little hands on. It’s crazy, and if the Republicans want to succeed they should just keep pointing out how insane that is.


  1. So my wife might have an important job interview next week. I think i should get her a “Burka” that way shell get the job for sure. And probably promoted daily.

    They cant tell your white underneath and they wouldn’t dare ask a question about what religion you are. Its time we white working people make this PC bullcrap for us.

  2. We’ve got:

    1. A tax cheat in charge of the IRS,
    2. Another tax cheat in charge of writing tax laws in the House,
    3. A Sec State, whose husband gets huge speech fees from foreign governments,
    4. An Attorney General who got terrorist Marc Rich a pardon,
    5. A HHS Secretary who’s biggest claim to fame is being pro-abortion, and
    6. A Surgeon General helped Burger King become a mecca of healthy foods

    This is an abbreviated list…..I could go on all day.

    What’s the problem?

  3. The only way you could get any traction on this is if we passed it off as a reality T.V show. . Every week they kidnap one polition to bring on the show. The first night we’ll put them through a series tests and highlight their weaknesses. America will vote by text. The next night we find out if they get thrown out of office. Depending on the ratio of no to yes votes depends how they leave the show.

    “Congressman Franks….. America has Voted…. And you…. Are too stupid to be an American”
    Queue: INS agents grab Franks and deport him to Madagascar.

    Comming this fall to FOX!

  4. This is one reason I nearly registered Republican recently. I heard them called the party of “no”. Apparently, libs think being the party of “no” is a bad thing, but it strikes me as an idea who’s time has come.

  5. I knew the Republican Revolution would be short-lived as soon as the Term Limits Amendment died. This is why some of us were so “on” about that.

    Also – a mandatory 7-year sunset clause for ALL federal legislation.

  6. “The Purge. Every so many years, everyone is thrown out of the federal government and banned from politics.”

    President Palin could do it with an executive order.

    The rules would be that:

    1) Every member of the House and the Senate is given a mandatory, two-year vacation, with pay. Nothing in our daily lives requires congresscritters actually trying to do anything on a daily basis. The just keep f**king things up anyway, so I don’t think anyone’s going to mind.

    2) The rest of the government keeps running for the next two years on auto-pilot. Budgets stay the same, revenue keeps coming in, spending keeps going out. Auto-pilot, people! Nothing changes! No legislation is offered up, no new legislation is enacted.

    3) Meanwhile, every member of Congress is undergoing an IRS audit. The first person who bitches about it is fired on the spot. No questions asked. The next person who bitches about it is shot in the head. We tried being nice about it the first time, now shut the hell up.

    4) Upon completion of the audits, the remaing two dozen or so legislators that were actually playing by the books are allowed to come back to The Hill on probationary status. They will be term-limited to two terms, post-audit.

    5) The other 460 or so Senators and Congressmen who failed the audit will be prosecuted accordingly, lose their law license if they had one, and never be allowed to seek public office ever again in any capacity.

    6) Special elections would be held to fill the vacant seats in both houses. Only those candidates who can demonsrtate a working knowledge of Constitutional, Representative, Republican government will be allowed on the ballots. Basically, there’s an entrance exam, and the candidates are required to score 85% on the exam to have their name included on the ballot. Anyone who fails the exam is never allowed to seek public office ever again for any reason ever ever ever.

    7) All congresscritters are limited to three terms in office.

    I think that pretty covers it. Additional changes can be made without notice to the congresscritters, and they have no say in the matter.

    I’m getting sick of these people thinking their shit don’t stink. It’s time to demand compliance and obedience to the Constitution. No questions asked or else get shot in the head.

    Mitch Rapp

  7. I have a better idea. In europe, when things aren’t going so well, a prime minister will dissolve parliament and call for new elections. We should take that idea and give it an american twist. Every few years we dissolve congress…in acid.

  8. Political office should be like jury duty. You can’t go if you’re felon or homeless or an illegal alien. Once called up, it should be a pain in the ass that you try to avoid. If forced into it, you should be surly and just want to go home watch “Warehouse 13”.

    Oh, and the pay should be what jurors draw.

  9. Pingback: Everybody outta the pool! | Autumn People

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