Republicans Plotting to Kill the President?

So Howard Dean recently said Republicans want to “kill the bill and kill the president.” Now you may dismiss this saying that Howard Dean is an unstable moron who shoots his mouth off — like an angrier Biden — but it’s worth considering. If Republicans were plotting to kill Obama, they’d have plenty of opportunity to do so… unless Obama is never bi-partisan and thus never has a reason to meet with Republicans.

Obama is wilier than you thought, huh?


  1. Killing the President is an awful thing to even think about. None of us on the right ever give it a moment’s thought, so repelled are we at the prospect. I mean, what kind of nut case dreams of creating a ceramic pistol or air-powered dart weapon, loading it with some nerve agent, and shooting it in the direction of the nearest teleprompter? Or somehow managing to steal a suitcase nuke, and leave it in the basement of a hall where a certain someone just happens to be speaking a few hours later … who thinks of these things? Certainly not us. After all, innocents could be harmed.

    And it seems hard to believe, but the MSM would manage to spin something like that as a negative for us.

  2. When you consider who would replace the President I’d have to believe he is quite safe from the Republicans. In fact they are probably as concerned for his safety as is the Secret Service.

  3. The Secret Service needs to everything in their power to keep Zero alive. They can imagine the consequences of a Biden presidency, and they *surely* fear a Pelosi WH. If it happens–you watch–it’ll be a lefty from Huffpo who thinks Zero hasn’t done enough for the moonbats.

    And then the MSM will blame Boosh.


  4. See, it is a plot by dems. If BHO becomes a martyr, then everything he believed in is obviously holy, his bills sainted. His ineptitude will be overshadowed by the explanation that ‘he would have saved us all, if only…”. Not to mention, that every hate crime faker will have all their paranoia proven beyond a doubt (to them).

    Let’s face it, even if every member of the Democratic Caucus walked by and stabbed him, on national TV, it would be blamed on Conservatives, and people who’s names end in -ush in particular.

    BHO dies and every liberal fantasy comes true.

  5. “He who smelt it, dealt it.” The Alinski-ites have been accusing conservatives of farting for years, when in reality they’ve been doing the Silent-But-Deadlies for years. Now admittedly, RINOs are pretty stinky creatures, but Democrats SewerGas Legislation and Fumigation Blocking Tactics are the cause of the current state of noxiousness. If a Democrat says the Republicans want to kill the President, you can bet they have a patsy programmed to carry out a ‘Treadstone’ Operation.

  6. I read a couple of days ago that the secret service says teh messiah is getting twice as many death threats and Bush.

    And we’re all familiar here at IMAO with libtards trying to pose as conservatives to stir a stink…

    I also read a couple of days ago where one liberal black man made up a false online identity as a KKK fanatic to make death threats against another black man on the same campus.

    I wonder how many of those death threats are actually a sort of… well… astroturf….

  7. Just because Dean and his coven plotted to kill President Bush and Vise President Cheney doesn’t mean Republicans are doing the same thing. (oops did I type that out loud, oh snap)

    Most “Real Conservatives” are supporters of the rule of law, freedom, democracy and have moral compasses (unlike Liberals who would not know a moral if it stood up on it’s hind legs and bit them in the butt-Barney Frank might ask it in for dinner and a movie but most of them wouldn’t recognize it).

    Besides most of us understand that if we get rid of the empty suit we’d have Biden, ewwwwwwwww. No we know who’s running the show and the only way to get rid of them is to send them packing in 2010.

    Vote the despots out. Send Nanny, Dingy Harry, Baby Barney and the rest of the coven back to their constituents. I’m sure they’ll know exactly what to do with them. Hehhhhhh.

  8. Jar-Jar Biden couldn’t possibly do any worse at this point.

    Although, if Chairman 0 is really paranoid, I’d recommend not worrying about the people waving signs and running their mouths on the Internet, and focus instead on investigating those who show no outward signs of anything.

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