Why So Capitalist?

In my new column for Pajamas Media, I look into whether it’s fair to compare Obama to the Joker. When other people are giving stupid commentary, Frank J. giver smart commentary.


  1. No it’s not fair to compare Obozo the President to the Joker. The Joker has way more style and class and is way smarter. it would be fair to compare Obozo to a pile of crap, Hitler, Satan, or even Stalin.

  2. So where is Aquafag anyway? Did he sell out and he’s now “deep” under cover for Obama or is he like gone total sissy and he’s making some coin stripping as a Trans in Gay Bars?

  3. 2cjtony: Bravo!>>>O-bah-muhh also gets to be Two-Face(Harvey Dent), he has his soaring rhetoric side, and his TOTUS-less ummm-uzzz side. He has his Media -induced halo side, and his Chicago thug thizzle Alinsky side. He has his ‘Can’t we all get along’ side, and his ‘Get in their faces’ side. I’m sure there’s more, but definitely Split Personality Disorder happening with O-bah-muhh( Or he Has an EvilTwin )

  4. Yeah, what labcat said!

    I read about 30 or so comments and the only negatives were like “Still better than Palin.”

    I read that as definitive proof that the pendulum is swinging out direction. When the moonbats won’t fling guano over something as blatantly racist and vile as the Joker poster, then you know they’re pretty much out of guano.

  5. “Obama doesn’t seem like he’s out to kill anyone — not even terrorists — and only leaves the option of killing people on the table to help make ends meet in his health care plan.”

    Best Line Evah! Pretty much sums up what we think is wrong with his policies.

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