Mad Lib(eral)s

More than half-a-century ago, a very bright and witty man named Leonard Stern created a word game that came to be known as Mad Libs. (You can read about the history of the whole concept HERE.)

I am certain that many of you, or more likely most of you, have played the game at a party sometime during the course of your lives. For those of you that haven’t, the concept is pretty simple: You start with something like a passage from a book, the Preamble to the Constitution, a popular song, or even a page from an instructional manual, replace many of the key words with blanks and ask people to fill them in with appropriate parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc.). The results range from the mildly humorous to the uproariously funny depending on the quality (or lack thereof) of the words given.

I have long had the idea of playing an online version of the game using a particularly unhinged rant from a liberal, but to do it right, one needs lots of participants. Well, now that I have an appropriately sized audience at my disposal to try this, why don’t we have a little fun?

The rules are simple. I am going to tell you what types of words I need and you are going to provide me with some quality words (i.e., more creative nouns than, say, “chair” or “table”). Since we need so many nouns, verbs and adjectives, everyone can start by offering me one each of those, then you may choose a word that fits one of the other needed categories.

Here’s the thing: KEEP IT CLEAN! Pretend you are at a party with your parents and various uncles and aunts and Grandma and the pastor from your church and the sweet old lady who lives next door. Sure, a little spice is nice, a little double entendre here and there is even encouraged, but the thing is, the liberal loon who wrote the source material filled it with more filth than you could pile in the back of a fleet of manure trucks, so we’re going to actually clean it up for them.

It’s a long rant, so we need plenty of words. But in order to give everybody a chance to play, I am going to ask each of you to please only submit a list of words once every half hour or so (and no fair hauling out a drawer full of sock puppets) and to limit your responses to 1 verb, 1 noun, 1 adjective and 1 “other” word per entry. I will try to be fair when filling the puzzle in and use the words in the order in which they are received provided they fit the proper mold. Please indicate what types of words you are giving me in parentheses next to the word.

***UPDATE (8:00 pm CDT, Sat Sept 5, 2009):***

The results post is now up! Enjoy!
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Crowder on Gay Marriage

Crowder talks about the gay marriage controversy and double standards and pants-less leprechauns, you homophobe.

I’m On Vacation and Stuff

I forgot if I officially mentioned it, but I’m on vacation and stuff for like the rest of this week and next. I might have some small posts, but if you see any big posts from me that means Cadet Happy broke onto my blog again and is posting as me so don’t trust those posts. I’m warning you now because I’m going to be camping and out of communication so you’ll have to police yourselves. Anyway, I invited Mr. Right of America is an Obamanation to guest blog and then there is still Harvey and Basil who might actually be me posting under another name. In fact, if you don’t look at the authors’ names, you might not even realize I was gone.

Anyway, for something to do while I’m gone, my silly sister did the costume design for a web show for the WB directed by Jason Priestley called The Lake. I don’t know how big of an overlap there is between my audience and people who like teenage dramas, but I’m proud of my little sister as it’s the biggest profile project she’s done so far (other than her uncredited work for the miniature killer dolls on that one season of CSI).

Tailgating and a football game today (go BSU!). Be honorable, ronin.

Frank Advice for Life

Always give a 110% to everything you do unless you think it’s stupid or you’re a bit sleepy.

Another Brick in the Head


Thanks to anonymous sources, we here at IMAO (and America is an Obamanation!) have managed to get hold of a secret communique from Secretary of Education Arne Duncan to members of the teachers’ union regarding the President’s live address to our nation’s school children this coming Tuesday:

Greetings, my fellow educators and indoctrination coordinators!

As I am certain you are well aware by now, a truly exciting day in the annals of history approaches, as our beloved President will address school children all over this quite plain and undistinguished nation on Tuesday, September 8th, to ask their help in moving this backward, bitter land of bible-clinging troglodytes forward into the glorious international collective of tomorrow.

I hope you are all as excited as I am by this new and hopeful day of change we can all believe in!

By now, you should have received your classroom kits and instructions on how to make this a true moment of insight and enlightenment for all of the good little progressives who have been entrusted to your care. Remember, our Dear Leader is counting on the cooperation of each and every one of you to help undo any damage that may have been inflicted on our poor, dear children by their awful, evil-mongering parental units during this excruciatingly long and painful summer. Thankfully, though, we have them back under our control now and with your hard work and commitment to our just and noble cause, I am quite certain that their young heads full of mush can still be molded into what our Great Society most needs — conformist worker drones.

Be certain to engage the students in the Party approved activities before, during and after The Great One’s sure-to-be awe-inspiring speech. It is imperative that we not miss this opportunity to drive home The Messiah’s message to these impressionable young children, so they can begin helping us push our agenda on the American People while we still can.


Unfortunately, some students may not be as cooperative as we might hope. Luckily, there are proven methods of dealing with their misbehavior…

Bart Simpson Chalkboard

[Bart Simpson Chalkboard Generator]

Should that prove ineffective, there is no cause for alarm as we are including several bottles of our newest formula in your classroom kits!


Yours in Faithful “O”bedience,

Arne Duncan

United States Secretary of Education

The Nose on Your Face has an exclusive copy of the original draft of the Dept. of Education’s classroom activities sheet.