Allahpundit’s Rememberance of NY City on 9/11/01

Thankfully catalouged by Andy Levy. Read here.

Frank Advice for Life

If you’re going to be sleeping in the middle of a downpour, a tent which packaging depicts a happy little girl sitting inside holding a stuffed dinosaur may not quite do the trick.

Thoughts on 9/11

I think I’ve ran out of useful things to say in the past eight years. Unfortunately, I believe most of the country has moved on. With calls now to get out of Afghanistan, it’s like we’ve forgotten what started everything in the first place.

The first World Trade Center bombing was supposed to be the unheeded wakeup call for 9/11, and now I’m afraid 9/11 will end up being the not completely heeded warning to something bigger. We as a country were changed by 9/11, but probably not enough to keep it from happening again.

My prayers are with the families of the victims.

By Any Other Name

In December, 2001, President Bush approved Public Law 107-89 declaring 9/11 to be “Patriot Day”.

In April, 2009, Congress passed and President Obama signed into law the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act. In that Act, September 11th was officially declared “The National Day of Service and Remembrance.”

Screw you.

We know what day it is.


We should not forget …

[Direct YouTube link]