Defending Jimmy Carter

Our 39th president made the news again recently. Former president Jimmy Carter, already famous for having an unemployment rate almost as high as Barack Obama’s, blamed racism for opposition to Obama.

I’ve met Jimmy Carter. Sure, I’ve only met him twice, but that’s probably more than you’ve met him. I remember when he was governor of my state. I remember when he was president of my country — which many of you may not.

For what it’s worth, I do not think Jimmy Carter was lying.

Hold on there, conservatives. Hear me out…

I did not say Carter was right. I said he wasn’t lying. There’s a difference.

For instance, if Tweety Bird sees Sylvester and says “I tawt I taw a puddy tat,” he’d be wrong. Sylvester isn’t a “puddy” … he’s a “tom.” Tweety isn’t lying; he’s simply mistaken.

Tweety says “puddy tat” because that’s what he knows. And it’s the same with Jimmy Carter. He knows racism. His campaign used subtle racist tactics against former governor Carl Sanders in the 1970 gubernatorial race in Georgia.

So, I don’t think Carter is lying. He’s projecting.

Politically, there’s not a lot of difference between Carter and Obama. Because they are so close on the issues, I believe Carter truly supports Obama’s initiatives.


That means that if Carter opposed Obama, it could only be for one reason: racism.

So, he thinks that conservatives oppose Obama because of racism. Like some guy named Frank J. Fleming said, liberals can’t imagine any other reason for opposing Obama.

One other thing: Obama and Carter aren’t completely alike. Obama will stand in front of the United States Congress and lie to America about his health care plan. I really don’t think Carter is a liar, though. He’s simply wrong.

Being wrong doesn’t make someone bad. Tweety Bird, for instance, was mistaken about the type of “tat” that Sylverster was.

Of course, Tweety Bird is a cartoon. Jimmy Carter is merely cartoonish.

Links of the Day Part 1

*Your favorite conservative columnist made RWN’s list of the 30 Best Conservative Columnists for 2009 v. 3.0.

*Global warming is destroying the ozone layer!

*I leave you with shocking video. Jon Stewart is… making fun of the media? (via Hot Air)

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
The Audacity of Hos
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Frank Advice for Life

Never leave a hippie un-punched; that helps no one.

How to Identify Racists

I’m thinking that today a lot of people these days don’t know how to properly spot racists. “That’s easy!” some will say, “Just look for white people!” Incorrect! Racists come in all shapes and sizes (except for octagon and venti). Here is what to look for:

* Racists eyes are quite shifty, always darting about looking for things to be racist about.

* If asked a question, a racist will look up and to the left when thinking of a response since the left part of the brains is where racists thoughts come from.

* Racists are constantly drinking water as racism makes you easily dehydrated.

* Racists are scared of fire.

* Racists like shiny things and will often have a cache of them in their burrow.

* Racists often have leg cramps as they don’t get a proper amount of potassium.

* Racist will bite if angered.

If bitten by a racist, make sure to clean the wound thoroughly. Then subject yourself to people of other racists to see if you start to become angry — a sure sign you have now been infected with racism! If you show signs of racism, get to your doctor immediately.

Carter Calls Joe Wilson’s Outburst “Truthist”

Former president Jimmy Carter said Tuesday that he believes that outdated notions of honesty are at the core of much of the opposition to President Obama.

Innocent victims of truthist hatemongering

“I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a con man, that he’s Deception American,” Carter told NBC in an interview.

Continued Carter: “That truthist inclination runs deep in flyover country… It’s an abominable circumstance, and it grieves me and concerns me very deeply.”

The 39th president also predicted that Obama will be able to “triumph over the factist attitude that is the basis for the negative environment that we see so vividly demonstrated in public affairs in recent days.”

Democrat Congressman Hank Johnson of Georgia said that if Joe Wilson’s blantant display of honestism hadn’t been condemned by the House, his destructive attitude would’ve covered the nation like a smallpox-infected blanket.

“I guess we’d probably have folks in Fox News vans riding through the countryside and intimidating people. That’s the logical conclusion if this kind of accuratist attitude is not rebuked.”

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, however, dismissed claims that Obama’s fabricationism was at the heart of the issue.

“I don’t think the president believes that people are upset because of the accuracy of his statments,” said Gibbs. “This country elected a smooth-talking, flim-flamming, hustling, scamming bunco-artist last November. Nobody cared about veracity then, and I don’t see why they should start now.”

Random Thoughts

I think a lot of the anger from conservatives directed at Obama might be because Obama is from the opposite party and is president.

“Wow! Conservatives haven’t been this riled up since the last time the president was a Democrat. It must be because he’s black.”

How do you tell a real racist from someone falsely accused of racism? Real racists will bite you.

I think Obama’s been on camera more than the star of the Truman Show.

Yes, if a racist bites you you become one.

In the future, hopefully ACORN employees will be more cautious of which pimps they confess their murders to.

I know global warming is real because I once warmed a globe in a lab.

Being a rightwing wackos will always be balanced by need of an actual job. The left can actually find jobs as being wackos, though.

Obama could earn a lot – a lot – more conservative support if he also declared that Jimmy Carter is a jackass. Actually, isn’t the fact that Jimmy Carter is a jackass part of the Republican platform?

Why Are Liberals Still Angry?

I use my smartness to get to the bottom of that question in my latest Pajamas Media column.

And Now, Four Words From Fred Thompson

Remember the “Four Words From Obama” post?

I sent it to the Fred Thompson Show, and Fred read his favorites during the Lightning Round on the 9-11-09 show.

I took the liberty of making a little slideshow to go with the audio clip:

[YouTube direct link]