Steven Crowder Teaser Video

Not a full video today, but maybe a hippie gets punched Monday!

Terrorist Memorial

Apparently the September 11 Memorial and Museum wants to display a memorial to the 19 hijackers, but obviously some people have a problem with that. Can’t we just compromise and have 19 memorial urinals or something?

Slavery is Freedom

Thomas Frank shows us why liberals should never frankly state what they believe because it is bleeping scary. Apparently, what we call liberty is actually horrible because it doesn’t allow a “freedom from want” that only government can provide. If only the South picked up on that argument during the Civil War.

“We’re not enslaving black people; we’re freeing them from want.”

Come to think of it, slavery has a lot of things to it liberals love. Slaves are guaranteed a job, shelter, and food, and all they need to do for it is surrender a few freedoms to someone who believes himself to be an intellectual superior. This leads to the scary thought that though liberals will tell you slavery is wrong, it’s only because they were told as a child repeatedly it was wrong but never fundamentally understood why it’s wrong. It sometimes seems like the only difference between slavery and liberals plan for America is the whip.

Or at least that’s currently a difference.

Is Your Baby Racist?

I know what you’re thinking: “Holy crap! That’s one racist looking baby! Frankly, he has the dead behind the eyes look of sociopath! I just want to shake him and shout, ‘Judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin!'”

One of the biggest fears of new parents is that their baby is racist. It’s the number one reason babies are abandoned in dumpsters. And there are a number of signs:


* Will only drink white milk.

* Cries when you turn up the gangster rap.

* Doesn’t like Spike Lee movies.

* Has no interest in supporting Barack Obama’s health care reform.

If you identify your baby as a racist, make sure to quiet it anytime it tries to make noise as you don’t want to be influenced by its racist babble. Find some sort of lockable cage to put the baby in and isolate it from all other babies (an attic or basement works best). If the baby cries, just respond with a sharp, “Shut up, racist!”

Remember what Smokey the Bear says: “Only you can prevent racist babies… from setting stuff on fire… or something.”

Yes, he was drunk, but the wisdom still stands.

For the Record…

…I don’t talk about my government work. I certainly do have to be more creative in my explanations of things to get Obama on board, though.

Random Thoughts

Would it be considered a partisan stunt if I jumped twenty Democrats on a motorcycle?

There’s a very good reason conservative argue principle and liberals tend to promote specific policies. When liberals start to argue frankly what they actually believe, holy crap is that scary.

During the 2008 campaign, I always wondered what a community organizer was. Thanks to the ACORN videos, now I know!

Conservatism started in 2009 as a response to there being a black person as president.

What does Carter know about racism? He’s a dumb cracker.

Frankly, I’m tired of white people. I’m around them all the bleeping time. If you don’t know any white people, all they do is stand around and tell racist jokes. It gets old fast.

So is the message of Mad Men that in the early sixties no one had even basic common sense about anything?

Let’s keep harping on the MSM until they give up and finally criticize Obama and then let’s call them racist.

The Constitution of the United States

On this day in 1787, in Philadelphia, the greatest document written in the last several centuries was completed.

What began as a rewrite of the Articles of Confederation became the Constitution of the United States.

It’s a document that guarantees our liberties. It lays out the duties and responsibilities of the three branches of our federal government, and it establishes the relationship between the states. And, as amended, it establishes the rights guaranteed to the individuals on which the government may not infringe.

I am of the camp that feels that not enough people have read the Constitution — including many who have sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution.

At the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention, delegate Benjamin Franklin (the dude on the $100 bill, for you on the left) was asked, “What have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”

To which Franklin replied, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

Go read the Constitution. Then make it your mission to help us keep a republic.

The answer to what happened to Charles Johnson

I ain’t teh funneh. And I’m not looking to drag IMAO into anything. So over at my little blog, I tried to answer that question.