How Much Do Hippies Know?

Crowder goes to UC Berkley to find out exactly how much do college educated hippies know:

I believe it got featured on Glenn Beck today.

Jobs and Radicals

One thing about being a fringe, right-wing radical is that right-wingers need to get actual jobs to support themselves or their families, and interacting with society through regular job responsibilities will usually balance out radicalism. With left-wingers, though, they have this “community organizer” shtick — like ACORN — where they can actually get paying jobs being fringe radicals and never learn a thing about the real world. You like giving advice to pimps and prostitutes? Here’s a paycheck for you! Nothing crushes liberalism like reality, which is why you always see them retreating to oases from reality like college campuses.

And that is why, for their sake, we must destroy them.

Frank Advice for Life

The smartest man knows exactly how stupid he is.

Why Did Mommy and Daddy Vote For Obama?

To help children understand the craziness in the world, there’s now this book called Why Did Mommy and Daddy Vote For Obama? I’m not sure what reasons it gives inside, but here are my guesses:


* They are easily distracted by shiny things.

* Because they’re not “mommy and daddy”, they’re “mommy and mommy”.

* Let’s just say it’s a bad idea to use your time waiting in line at the voting booth to snort coke.

* They wanted someone who reflected their values of shallowness and not being particularly fond of America.

* He had a ‘D’ next to his name.

* Because Daddy threatened to beat mommy otherwise.

* Because they want to make sure they have a right to end any future children and not have to answer more stupid questions.

* Let’s just say that mommy and daddy’s last IQ test was inconclusive because they chewed on it.

* The only other choice was McCain.

* Because of something bad you did!

Fark Needs to Be More Open to Criticism

I wrote a post Friday criticizing the the thinking skills of the commenters at Fark. Fark noticed it, and instead of becoming introspective and reexamining their mindless ways — as happened when I criticized YouTube commenters –they lashed out at me. And they obviously didn’t learn a thing, as my criticism that started it all was that liberals aren’t very smart but like to think they’re smart, but here was the average response (for the record, this isn’t an actual comment verbatim; I cleaned it up to make it more readable):

me smirt!!! u dum stoopid cunsurvativs r the ones u think r smirt but r the dum stoopid ones!

For example, here is a comment from someone calling himself MKinPR:

Back in my academy days, we had to take a class about mental retardation, and people who have low IQs. One of the things they taught us was that these poor people try to hide their disability by talking about subjects they know nothing about, as if they are authorities on the subject, and by trying to use big words, usually incorrectly. I think this behavior also describes Republicans perfectly.

So he talks about people pretending to be smart and in the course of it writes a whole paragraph to hide the fact that all he’s doing is screeching, “No, you are!” And what’s this “academy” he refers to? Is that something from World of Warcraft?

This isn’t to say everyone at Fark is stupid. Some have average intelligence and are simply mentally ill. But I wish all of them would take criticism of their actions a bit more thoughtfully. Still, it was nice to get all that traffic Saturday, because I made tens of dollars from GoogleAds, which I’ll spend on comic books and a big bag of candy.


Ends up MKinPR’s comment was actually a copy of another comment with “liberal” changed to “Republican”. He got me good. Rascally farkers!

Random Thoughts

So are the mindless charges of racism a reverse “Southern Strategy”? Shore up black support at the expense of white support?

If you think open-carrying a gun gets you a lot of stares, try it with a battle axe. Of course, if you’re planning on mugging someone, there are plenty of non-battle-axe-carrying people to choose from.

I know that not everyone at Fark is a leftist idiot, but it’s funnier to pretend that when writing a rant.

Hopefully Fark and I will learn that when we call each other morons, it’s a term of endearment.

Fringe is a lot like X-Files, except… it’s a lot like X-Files.