The problem isn’t what we did, it’s that you found out what we did

I’m sure you know about the video of school children being taught a song that praises Barack Obama. It’s been reported by several news outlets.

So, what do authorities of B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington, NJ, say? School superintendent says the problem was … that someone videotaped it:

Superintendent Christopher Manno said in a written statement Thursday that the taping itself was out of order, but failed to address whether the the lesson was approved. “The recording and distribution of the class activity were unauthorized,” he wrote in a note to parents and the media.

Read that again.

He doesn’t say anything about public school students — that’s a school funded by your tax dollars, both New Jersey state taxes as well as federal funds from the Department of Education — being taught to sing the praises of Dear Leader. No, the problem is that someone taped it.

You see, now there’s evidence of it.

Think about it.

If someone told you about this story, would you believe it? You might think it’s one of Harvey’s Fake News stories. You’d be saying, “Heh. That’s a good one, Harvey. It’s almost like something that would happen.”

Only, it happened.

They can’t deny it. Because it was videotaped. And is on the YouTube.

And that’s how the left is: “The problem isn’t what we did, it’s that you found out what we did.”

Maybe that’s the way to handle things. That’s how they are handling the ACORN scandal: officials looking into charges over videotaping of illegal ACORN activity instead of the illegal ACORN activity.

I wonder how far this attitude could go. Or how well it would have worked in the past…

  • Ted Kennedy: The problem isn’t that Mary Jo Kopechne died, it’s that you found out about it.
  • Richard Nixon: The problem isn’t that I tried to cover up my staff’s involvement with the break-in at the Watergate, it’s that you found out about it.
  • Jeffrey Dahmer: The problem isn’t that I murdered 17 people and ate parts of some of them, it’s that you found out about it.
  • That guy getting the ticket on the Interstate last week: The problem isn’t that I was traveling 25 miles an hour over the posted limit, it’s that you found out about it.
  • The guy that spit in your food at the Waffle House: The problem isn’t that I spit in your food, it’s that you found out about it.

I wonder how many other ways this attitude could be used to excuse things?

Is Thomas Frank Trying to Destroy the Democratic Party?

I think Thomas Frank is trying to destroy the Democratic Party. First, he told Democrats to take on the “liberty” issue and argue that the slavery of big government is a special kind of freedom. Now he’s in the WSJ again arguing that Democrats should give up the name-calling (the one thing they’re good at) and argue health care on the principles which would be death for them.

It’s pretty much in American DNA to reject liberal’s principles, and thus pretty much the only thing liberals have going for them is they never state explicitly what they actually believe which pretty much comes down to “You’re stupid and shouldn’t be able to make your own choices.” That’s why pretty much every liberals used to interacting in regular society knows to hold their tongue about what they actually think, often arguing the opposite (i.e., “You people need more choices; that’s why we want the public option.”). If liberals actually argued on the principles for what they truly believe, they’d be run out of town with pitchforks.

Why do want harm to come to Democrats, Thomas Frank? Are you really this naive a liberal, or are you some plot from the right-wing WSJ? If it weren’t for me having the attention span of a coke-snorting squirrel, I’d get to the bottom of this.

Need Some Artistic Feedback

So, judging by the viewing stats, the Four Words From Obama video I made seemed fairly popular. So I fiddled around with doing a complete Lightning Round from the Fred Thompson show:

[YouTube direct link]

Wondering if I should lose the intro & trim the end, since they don’t add much entertainment value, or if it’s better to keep the whole segment intact?

Creative Ways to Get Through Hard Times

Arnold Schwarzenegger tweeted this yesterday:

I hear a lot of stories about the creative ways people are making it through hard times, starting businesses, etc. Tell me your stories.

Well, here are some of the creative ideas I’ve heard from some of my friends:

* Growing illegal narcotics.

* Bank robbery.

* Dog-fighting ring.

* Photocopying money on high-quality color photocopier.

* Sending unsolicited e-mail to millions of people advertising cheap prescription drugs.

* Murdering hobos and selling their organs.

* Threatening to set off all the world’s volcano’s with a nuclear weapon unless given one million dollars.

* Spending hundred of billions of dollars on random crap (yeah, I’m friends with Barack Obama; he’s a nice guy if you get to know him).

* Blogging

So what creative ways are you using to get through hard times?

Comment of the Day

To a post entitled “Fun Facts About Mexico” that Harvey wrote back on May 9th. Name used was “angry”:

wtf why are u dissing the obamas

Why indeed. Welcome to the internets, angry.

Obama’s Secrets: Revealed!

Christopher Andersen’s new book, “Barack and Michelle: Portrait of an American Marriage“, exposed numerous previously undisclosed secrets about President Barack Obama. Here’s just a tiny sample:

Discovered at age 7 that he didn’t actually need a magic feather to fly around the circus tent.

* He isn’t actually black. He’s off-umber.

* Didn’t “pal around” with Bill Ayers, having never been officially promoted beyond “comic-relief sidekick”.

* Despite all the rumors swirling around, he really WAS the first black Czar of the Harvard Law Review.

* Mindless of the threat to national security, never – ever – even once, has he coughed into his elbow.

* Didn’t propose to Michelle until three years after he met her because he was saving up for a downpayment on a teleprompter.

* Tragically, he inherited his basketball skills from his mother’s side.

* Diagnosed with PTSD after killing that fly.

* Doesn’t understand those “secret Muslim” accusations, since five times every day he faces Mecca, kneels on his mat, and prays to Jesus.

* While negotiating with Hillary Clinton to end her primary campaign, got her to settle for the Secretary of State position instead of her original demand of “taking Bill on a tour of Chappaquiddick”.

* Once had a clogged sink full of dirty water. Bailed it out. Been a big fan ever since.

Anyone else who’s read the book, feel free to fill in anything I missed.

Random Thoughts

That Qaddafi guy is a conspiracy-loving nutjob. I wonder if he’d be interested in the Green Jobs Czar position?

Before the U.N., crazed dictators had to just satisfy themselves by ranting into the mirror

Does the U.N. really need to give crazy people an international platform to rant? Can’t they just get a blog now?

I think most of our societal ills can be traced to when the public decided it was morally okay to go outside hatless.

I wonder if lemmings will ever decide to sue humans for defamation of character; they could be joined by the ostrich and the “boiling” frog. “I don’t care if we make great political analogies! It’s just not true!”

I like Obama today. I guess it’s seeing Qaddafi and Dinnerjacket; Obama seems like George Washington in comparison. Perspective is good.

Anyone who exaggerates is like Hitler times a million.

Get This Man a Protocol Droid

I’m no C3PO, but I’ll bet this gesture is considered obscene in a lot of backwards countries that don’t speak English.