The Week in Blogs

IMAO got a mention in Vodkapundit’s The Week in Blogs. For the record, I regret nothing.

Matrix Revolutions Deleted Scene

RiffTrax will be releasing The Martix Revolutions soon. I haven’t seen any of their Matrix riffs, though, so hopefully they’ll have a deal to get all three (they do seem ripe for humor; well, the first one does, I’m worried the latter too are too tedious). Anyway, RiffTrax has an exclusive deleted scene from Matrix Revolutions:

Question of the Day

In the comments to the post on Obama’s creepily consistent smile, Crusty asked:

What’s the difference between Barack Obama and a cardboard cutout?

Well, here’s the side-by-side:

Have at it in the comments.

I’m Not Sure What the Record For This Is, But I Think He’s Got It Now

Between March 24th and November 9th, 1993, Micheal Williams of the Minnesota Timberwolves sank 97 straight freethrows, setting an NBA record.

That sort of phenomenal precision in hitting a mark remained unsurpassed until September 23rd, 2009, when President Barack Obama managed to smile exactly the same way 130 consecutive times.

[Vimeo direct link]

I stand in awe of this man’s physical prowess.