Frank Advice for Life

Never listen to naysayers; they might just be horses. And if they ask for a shrubbery, they might actually be ni-sayers.

What Should I Obsess About

I was thinking I should shake things up. So what I really need is some sort of issue I can obsess and go crazy over, lashing out and banning every one who disagrees with me until I end up on the left-wing. Problem is, I’m generally apathetic about everything. Still, here’s a few ideas for issues for me to constantly post about until I drive every one away:

* Despite what people on the internet contend, realistically pirates would beat ninjas.

* The stegosaurus is the greatest dinosaur.

* Though the heated rhetoric doesn’t concern me, it’s cheap — and possibly racist — to make fun of the president’s ears.

* Godfather III is not as bad as people say.

* Every second we’re not building asteroid defense we’re stupid dummies who deserve to die.

* A peanut really is a nut.

* Iran and Iraq should be united as one country called Iranq.

* ‘E’ can go before ‘I’ whenever the hell it feels like.

* I don’t like monkeys.

Any other ideas?

Making Conservatives Less Angry

In my latest Pajamas Media column, I give advice on how to make conservatives less angry.

Random Thoughts

So should we start a pool on what country is going to get nuked first or which country going to first do the nuking?

Know what would be the quickest way to get rid of lots of nuclear weapons? A worldwide nuclear war.

All Michael Moore really needs is a good hug… except he’s too fat for anyone to get their arms around him so thus he is.

I wonder if the evil-universe version of me always wears a hat.