Obama loves the little children, all the children of the world…

Have you seen the video of the school children being taught to sing a song praising the leader of their country?

No, not in North Korea.

No, not in Mao’s China.

No, not in Saddam’s Iraq.

No, not in Hitler’s Germany.

But in the United States, in this day and time…

[YouTube link]

I wish this was a joke.

The good news? It is. If you voted for Obama. Because if you voted for Obama, the joke’s on you.

UPDATE: Fox News and CBS News are on the story. As, now, are overseas news outlets.


  1. Kinda sounded like a Brit soccer chant that ended with some Dixie, but the middle part was way too much Children of the Damned soulless to not be REALLY scary. Kids may never be able to spell indoctrination but they sure are living it. Hope some of their parents are not moonbatted enough to ignore that disgraceful display.

  2. “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” – Vladimir Lenin.

    Disturbing, right? If you place a few stutters in that quote, it becomes even more accurate.

  3. I had some trouble hearing the lyrics, but by running it repeatedly and using a magnifying glass to lipread, I heard this:

    Barack Hussein Obama,
    he says we’re all the same.
    If you have a nickle more, then
    all your money he will claim.

    Barack Hussein Obama,
    he spreads our wealth around,
    ’till any puny enemy,
    can knock our country down.

    Barack Hussein Obama,
    will give health care for all,
    unless you’re old ,then he will pull
    your plug out of the wall.

    Barack Hussein Obama,
    All hail to the King,
    Say what? the Constitution?
    We’ve got no use for that thing.

  4. I really want a transcript of this, just as Slapout requested. The audio wasn’t very clear so I’d really like to know exactly what these kids were directed to say.

    Can you imagine what a riot this would be if this had been W instead? The scandal sheets & ACLU would’ve been on this like stink on a progressive.

  5. CLICK
    at least half way there
    17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

  6. Lyrics
    Mmm, mmm, mm!

    Barack Hussein Obama
    He said that all must lend a hand [?]
    To make this country strong again
    Mmm, mmm, mm!

    Barack Hussein Obama
    He said we must be clear today
    Equal work means equal pay
    Mmm, mmm, mm!

    Barack Hussein Obama
    He said that we must take a stand
    To make sure everyone gets a chance
    Mmm, mmm, mm!

    Barack Hussein Obama
    He said Red, Yellow, Black or White
    All are equal in his sight
    Mmm, mmm, mm!

    Barack Hussein Obama
    Mmm, mmm, mm!

    Barack Hussein Obama

    segue to

    Hello, Mr. President we honor you today!
    For all your great accomplishments, we all [do? doth??] say “hooray!”
    Hooray Mr. President! You’re number one!
    The first Black American to lead this great na-TION!
    Hooray, Mr. President something-something-some
    A-something-something-something-some economy is number one again!
    Hooray Mr. President, we’re really proud of you!
    And the same for all Americans [in?] the great Red White and Blue!
    So something Mr. President we all just something-some,
    So here’s a hearty hip-hooray a-something-something-some!
    Hip, hip hooray! (3x)

    look familiar?

  7. This is just disgusting. My heart breaks for these innocent children. A teacher should be teaching them why we don’t sing songs of praise to these temporary occupants of the White House.

    At least they didn’t make them get on their knees.

  8. the next step is for the kids to inform there teachers that “mommie and daddy ” didn’t like what was going on in school and then the black trucks start showing up in the middle of the night pulling people out of bed

  9. “Red, yellow, black, or white; we all are equal in His sight.” I remember those words from sunday school when I was a kid. I’m pretty sure the “His” in the verse referenced Christ. Now its replaced by BHO?? Please tell me I didn’t hear that part correctly before I have to dig out my eardrums with a pencil.

  10. #16 – You shouldn’t compare the Obama Youth to the Hitler Youth.

    When the latter sang in unison, you could understand what they were saying.

    Although I notice that this group IS being led by a blond-haired white boy.

  11. Harvey,

    They weren’t being ‘led’ by the blond-haired white boy. The boy was the example of the success of the program. Even though you could not see the teacher in the video, by her voice I am guessing she is black, I mean African-American.

    After writing that sentence I realized how racist that all sounds. hOpefully after I attended my company’s mandatory diversity training this afternoon I will know better.

  12. We have the kids in a good, private Christian school. It is getting very expensive to keep them there. After seeing this, I would be willing to sell my house for the tuition just to keep them out of the public system. My in-laws have a nice house out on the farm. Maybe they will let us move in there.

  13. Barack Hussein Obama
    He said Red, Yellow, Black or White
    All are equal in his sight
    Mmm, mmm, mm!

    “Precious in His sight” Really? Anybody???

    Jesus loves the little children.
    All the children of the world.
    Red and yellow, black and white,
    They are precious in his sight.
    Jesus loves the little children of the world.

  14. I can’t think of a single president that I would have wanted my children to sing about like that while still in the White House. I *really* hope there’s some way this didn’t occur as part of a public school class. Is there any way this could be a meeting of some group of children of Democrats?

  15. Thoughtful liberals, conservative democrats, and libertarians please dont disregard this as partisan politics. Partisan politics is more like cheering different sports teams this is perverted religion.

    This is the behavior of third world countries and is the root of their permanent dysfunction violence and poverty. Even though you may not do it a large number of influential liberals like the one in this video does. 20 years from now these kids will be voting think youll keep the party out of their hands?

  16. From imdb:

    [Thulsa Doom’s final speech to his followers in the director’s cut]
    Thulsa Doom: Purging is at last at hand. Day of Doom is here. All that is evil, all their allies; your parents, your leaders, those who would call themselves your judges; those who have lied and corrupted the Earth, they shall all be cleansed.

    Children of Doom: [chanting] Doom!
    Thulsa Doom: You, my children, are the water that will wash away all that has gone before. In your hand, you hold my light, the gleam in the eye of Set. This flame will burn away the darkness, burn you the way to paradise!

    Thulsa Doom sounds like a proto-lib.

  17. “Be true to the people, thus Obama (whoops I mean “Lenin”) has reared you.”

    Can’t really compare these kids to the HJs (Hitler Youth). The HJs showed better order with their performances and unlike Lord Barry and his minions, had pride in their country. 😛

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