Meggie Mac and the Twitter

Let’s see what’s on the Twitter today…

pretty much my image of @allahpundit is I am the chick from silence of the lambs and he is screaming at me in a hole 2 put lotion on my skin #



@allahpundit As I recall, Jame Gumb was trying to make an outfit out of his victim’s skin, not reupholster a couch. #

I know what it feels like my weight is mocked every single time I do anything publicly, Jessica Simpson stay strong. those people r pathetic #


Excuse me? What are you looking at?

Um. Ah. What?

Aren’t you a little young to be looking at my boobies?

Well, that’s an old picture. I’m fully grown. And, so, apparently, are you.

My eyes are up here!

Sorry. What were you saying?

when I am alone in my apartment, I wear tank tops and sweat pants, I had no idea this makes me a “slut”, I can’t even tell you how hurt I am #

But I wasn’t offended by the picture.

It wasn’t just you. Lots of people made some mean comments.

That happens. But would it be better if people ignored you?

I said eyes are up here!


As I was saying, women shouldn’t have to put up with being treated like this. People make comments about how we look, just because they don’t like what we have to say about things.

Tell me about it!

“I Gots a Peace Prize!”

New from Crowder, the Nobel Peace Prize song.

Awesome. Love the Zo cameo.

Obama is so useless and ineffective as president that…

…even though he was elected for very little more than just his attitude and looks, he’s still not even close to winning hottest head of state. He’s really useless in every conceivable way.

Angry White Guy Party?

“Republican” Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina says that the GOP will not be “the party of the angry white guys.”

As an angry white guy, I feel both hurt and disenfranchised.

So, to challenge this Republican exclusionaryismness, I say we form the Angry White Guy Party.

Now, I know that no third party has actually done squat since the Republicans took out the Whigs in 1856, but I think that if we got a few celebrities on board, we might stand a chance. Here’s my list of potential candidates:

Jack Bauer

Campaign slogan: “I have killed two people since midnight, I haven’t slept in over 24 hours. So maybe… maybe you should be a little more afraid of me than you are right now.”

Snake Plissken

Campaign slogan: “When I get back, I’m going to kill you.”

Master Chief

Campaign slogan: “I was gonna shoot my way out. Mix things up a little.”

Martin Riggs

Campaign slogan: “You think I’m crazy? You call me crazy, you think I’m crazy? You wanna see crazy?”

John McClane

Campaign slogan: “Yippee-ki-yay”

Indiana Jones

Campaign slogan: “Never bring a knife to a gunfight.”

John Rambo

Campaign slogan: “Nothing is over!”

James Braddock

Campaign slogan: “You really didn’t think I’d leave… without making sure you were dead?”

Harry Callahan

Campaign slogan: “You’ve got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?”

Duke Nukem

Campaign slogan: “It’s time to kick ass and chew bubble gum… and I’m all outta gum.”

Xander Cage

Campaign slogan: “Have you ever been punched in the face for talking too much?”


Campaign slogan: “It’s ok, MSNBC says I’m white

Anyone else we should try to get involved? Please include a campaign slogan, if possible.

Nuclear Robots

NASA is thinking of sending a nuclear robot to Titan, one of the moons of Saturn. Usually I’m all for space exploration because, as Americans, we own the universe, but wouldn’t we have more use for nuclear robots hear on Earth? Think of how all the Taliban hiding in caves would react to a nuclear robot being deployed to Afghanistan.

I know what you’re probably thinking: “Would a nuclear robot be tactically advantageous in Afghanistan?” I think you’re missing the point, though. It’s a nuclear robot. And if we sent it to Afghanistan the same way we would have sent it to Titan — by launching it into orbit in a rocket and then letting it crash land — then it will be a nuclear robot from space. You don’t think tactics here; when you have that, you use it.

This is just like the other things we need for our military to bring it into the 22nd century: space lasers and dinosaurs with mounted rocket launchers. We need to deploy them as soon as possible because that’s how you get real peace — not made up, unicorn peace they believe in in Oslo — but the actual peace where your enemies bow down and worship you as an angry god.

There should be only one question we should be asking right now: If we know how to make a nuclear robot, then why isn’t it right now killing people we don’t like?

People from the Future Are Jerks

Could the future be sabotaging the Large Hadron Collider? The theory goes that discovering the Higgs boson could destroy the universe, so maybe the future is what’s causing all the problems with the collider in an attempt to stop us.

Other theory: Maybe people in the future are just jerks. Maybe they’re all like, “Look at those dummies in the past trying to find a Higgs boson; let’s mess it all up for funsies since we’re like superior since we’re from the future.” Grrr! I hate people from the future! They’re all so stuck up! It’s like if we went into the past to see cavemen how we’d keep making fun of how stupid they are for thinking the sun is a god until they finally got angry enough to beat us to death with clubs (and for good reason). Your location in the temporal dimension doesn’t make you better, jerks.

If we become certain that the future is messing with the Large Hadron Collider, what we should do is put swine flu in a time capsule. Then, when people in the future open the capsule hoping to see memorabilia from our time, all they’ll find in it is swine flu and a note saying, “This is for messing with our collider, goobers!” That’ll teach ’em.

Random Thoughts

What other sizes do Hadron Colliders come in?

The only war that was like the Vietnam War was the Vietnam War… and it was only vaguely like itself.

A is not A. They are two different As I had to type separately.

If Rush isn’t a racist, then why would people bother to make up so many quotes proving he’s racist?

Writing a romantic comedy in which MeggieMac hates and then falls in love with Allahpundit. Might work better as horror.

I’m starting my own ripoff of the Saw horror movie franchise called Looked.

This is a fun country. I really like it.