Late Halloween Treat

Apologies for not getting this out in time for the holiday, but Rev. Right of America is an Obamanation has a Halloween film festival going on at his place that horror fans ought not to miss.

Here’s one of several spooky cinematic sensations to whet your appetite:

This Can’t Be Right – UPDATED 10PM

[hat tip: Laurie]

There’s plenty of disturbing stuff in this picture: Michelle’s “worst Catwoman EVAH!”; Barack’s… what?… Mr. Rogers?… and the fact that Chewbacca is calmly standing next to a Stormtrooper instead of ripping his arms off and beating him to death with them (Wookies have been known to do that).

But what’s REALLY bugging me is… what’s the deal with the two Klansmen in the upper left?

UPDATE 10pm: Just to the right of the Klansmen… is that Riff Raff?

Frank Advice for Life

Every once in a while, stop and think about all the things you have in life to be grateful for. And then think of how secure those things are and who might know about them and whether those people will have to be eliminated to fully protect them.

More of My Work with NASA

I know a lot of you have been wondering what’s next with the moon after we crashed a satellite into it and caused a huge explosion. Will nuking be next?

No. I’m afraid not. Not yet, at least.

But I am continuing to work with NASA and an am having some good influence. We’ve captured a group of monkeys and are exposing them daily to radiation. This will help us prove whether… um… I forget. I came up with a good reason for it, but all I can remember is that it involved space.

Anyway, each day I go to the monkeys and hold up a banana and say, “Do monkeys want a banana?” And they go, “Ee ee!” and reach for the banana. And then I hit them with a radiation ray. And then I eat the banana in front of them because SarahK says I need more potassium.

Anyway, the scientific information we’ve gathered is astounding. Apparently, monkeys really really don’t like getting radiated.

I keep suggesting we expand the program, but the Sciencetorium only has so much room for monkeys. Thus I suggest we use a large isolated area for testing. How about, maybe, the moon? We could send all the monkeys we can get our hands on up there and then radiate them all at once by… NUKING THE MOON!

Yeah, they’re not going for it yet. But I keep nudging them, and eventually everyone will convert to my way of thinking. And then we’ll have peace. And fewer monkeys.

Today’s Discussion Question

Now that the Republicans have had a warning shot fired by conservatives in the form of Hoffman forcing liberal Scozzafava out of the race, how exactly will the Republican leadership continue to screw things up?

My guess is the lesson they’ll take from NY23 will be that they need to use even more money and volunteers to prop up milquetoast, liberal Republicans to try and get conservatives to vote for them. The Republicans now know conservatives are energized, which means the Republican leadership know they can win big if they can only find a way to trick conservatives into supporting candidates barely distinguishable from Democrats that the fabled moderates are also said to like. The Republicans will briefly consider supporting conservative candidates, but then they’ll consider the tongue lashing they’ll get from David Brooks and abandon the idea.

Random Thoughts

Normal politics is boring. When will we get interesting scaremongering like charges that robots are taking all our jobs?

In the future, every war will be Vietnam for fifteen minutes.

I learned from my Halloween costume that my pit bull is deathly afraid of ninjas.

As for football, I can be listed in a state of readiness.