Fred Thompson on NY23

I’ll let Fred Thompson, who a plurality of IMAO readers thinks should be the new leader for the Republican Party, sum up what happened with NY23 and what it meant:

Owens biggest win of last night? Fred Thompson decided to let him live another day.

Valour IT

Valour IT is back, raising money to get special laptops for wounded vets (and also Nintendo Wiis to help in rehabilitation and other stuff). The branches compete against each other to raise the most money, and I’m helping the Marines this year as someone asked and my brother is an officer in the Marines:

Everyone loves the Marines because they unapologetically like to kill bad people. I think this would be as good a time as any to repost that cool song Harvey found:

So don’t dither on whether you’ll give or not. Donate today.

Lightning Round 11-3-09

The illustrated version of The Lightning Round from the 11-3-09 Fred Thompson Show:

[YouTube direct link]

Back to Being Rats in a Cage

I got a letter from Democracy for America trying to promote and raise money for Alan Grayson. They listed his famous political burp as, “The Republican’s healthcare plan: 1) Don’t get sick 2) if you do, Die Quickly”. Sorry, guys, it was even dumber than that though. As we recall, it was originally:

Republican Health Care Plan
Step 1: Don’t get sick.
Step 2: If you get sick…
Step 3: Die quickly.

Yes, he listed “If you get sick…” as a step… because he’s a friggin’ moron.

Interesting that the only people able to energize liberals at all are loud idiots. Obama pretty much sucked all the energy out of the room in how liberalism’s great hope has already fallen flat and it looks like he’ll barely get any of his big changes implemented before the Democrats lose much of their majority in 2010. Thus, liberals are already starting to reacquaint themselves with being internet trolls, screaming angrily and impotently about everything. In that way, Grayson is their prefect Representative.

Though he’s probably out in 2010.

The Election Last Night

Yay! Winning is fun!

The thing is, I don’t think anyone was predicting Christie would have such a big fat win in the extremely blue New Jersey but Hoffman would lose. Quite surprising, but I think the Hoffman candidacy was well worth it. The seat is only lost for a year (Owens will be up for reelection in 2010), and the only other possibility was electing a Republican even more the liberal than the Democrat (Owens is against the public option). So, at the cost of one House seat for one year we made a huge point to the Republican Party that candidates who are not fiscal conservatives will not be tolerated. Better this gets hashed out in a special election now than during 2010.

Anyway, the main message of the election was Obama sucks and is stupid and everyone now hates him. Obama campaigned in both Virginia and New Jersey, and the Democrats lost hugely in both (well, by 18 points in Virginia, and 4 points in New Jersey which is huge when you consider how blue that state is and how much money Corzine spent). Obama didn’t campaign in NY23 (instead he sent the charismatic powerhouse Joe Biden), and the Democrat won. Lesson learned: If Obama offers to campaign for you, tell him you have swine flu and he should stay away.

So, onward to 2010. Let’s get some good conservative candidates and pick our inner-party leader to all rally behind. I say it should be me because I’m much smarter than anybody else and my blog has a cool logo.

Random Thoughts

No matter how much Democrats object, the main thing on the ballot last night was whether Obama sucks and is stupid.

We should say false things about Olbermann so we can be named worst in the world. What’s a bad thing we can say about him that isn’t true?

Moderates are a prize for whatever political party finds them least annoying.

So is Kos saying that Tea Party people will be even more destructive to the Republicans than the Kos Kids were to the Democrats?

Everybody other than me is a dumb extremist.

I’m sorry, but you can’t have enthusiastically supported John Edwards and ever be taken seriously by anyone ever again.

Conservatives don’t organize like liberals; they have jobs and responsibilities. They just get woken up every so often.

I often fear people won’t instantly recognize me as an intellectual. I wonder if a fancy hat will rectify that.

The election wins last night should be great for my fantasy political league.

Christie was a great deal for New Jersey. He’s twice the size of the current governor at one third the cost.

Christie wins easily and Hoffman lost. If any pundit predicted that, he gets a cookie.

Christie reminds me of the large guy from the Sopranos who was the nicer mobster. Nicer mobster is pretty good for New Jersey.

It’s reassuring to know you can still buy a reelection in New York City, though. Still waiting on similar results for World Series.

It’s time to face it! We’re no better than Kos Kids! We screwed up an easy Republicanish win for mere hubris! Woe is us!

Still, NY23 is getting a more conservative Represenative than if the Republican won.

I think losing one House seat for one year is a small price to pay to wake up the GOP.

Marriage isn’t a right; it’s a religious custom often practiced by secular people and recognized by the government. Like Christmas.

Frank Gets HIGH PRAISE! From Jeri Thompson

After playing the Frank-inspired bumper music clip about what happens to the people who lose the support of Fred Thompson, Jeri Thompson had this to say:


(From the 11-3-09 Fred Thompson show, 21 seconds, starting at the 11:58 mark)