Frank on Science!: Black Holes

A picture of a black hole even though you can't see a black hole.

A picture of a black hole even though you can't see a black hole.

Laymen love black holes because they sound so menacing and make great plot points for cheap scifi, but most people don’t tend to understand them. First off, it’s not a hole. It’s a ton of mass crushed into a single point. Second, they’re not black; they’re turquoise. Thirdly, they don’t suck things into them anymore than anything else with mass. If the sun was suddenly replaced with a black hole of the same mass, the earth’s orbit wouldn’t be disturbed at all. It would just be dark and we’d all freeze to death, but otherwise we’d be fine.

One interesting property of a black hole is its the only thing we know of that destroys information because everything that goes into it gets collapsed into only three points of data: mass, charge, and angular momentum. Like if you had data you don’t want anyone else to obtain, run a wipe program and throw it in a black hole. It will be gone for good that way (unless you were trying to protect your data’s angular momentum from prying eyes). Hopefully someone has a sign up telling you where the event horizon is, though, because black holes can be dangerous that way.

Anyway, let black holes be a warning to you. We all love matter and use it every day, but sometimes it collapses on itself and rends space and time. That’s dangerous. If you see matter collapse on itself, get as far away as possible and contact your nearest scientist. And whatever you do when confronted with a black hole, don’t put your tongue on it.

Despite the existence of black holes having been calculated for some time, they’re still pretty much theoretical. I’m sure, though, there will eventually be a Mythbusters episode where Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage travel to the center of the galaxy and throw a rock at one while filming the results with a high speed camera, confirming most of the theories.


Bald Bear

How much is Obama screwing up? Now our nation’s bears are going bald:

Even I know I look ridiculous.

This is change I cannot believe in.

I don’t know how you screw something up so simple as the fact that bears are supposed to have hair, but somehow Obama is doing. The combination of his general inexperience and incompetence, his extreme liberalism, and the radicals in his administration are screwing things up so badly that bears are losing their hair. Yes, bears are becoming freakish laughing stocks; think of what Obama will do to us in the end.

NOTE: Yes, the bears aren’t actually in our country, but it’s fun to pretend and blame Obama. And has anyone checked on how well our bears have been doing hair-wise lately?

Lightning Round 11-5-09

The illustrated version of The Lightning Round from the 11-5-09 Fred Thompson Show:

[YouTube direct link]

By the way, if you get a chance to rate these at YouTube, I’d take it as a kindness.

Random Thoughts

We should support MoveOn and DFA in purging moderates from the Democratic Party. It’s the only way they’ll win in 2010!

FYI: If you hear there’s a mass shooting and your first reaction is a quip about Obama, you need to reassess your priorities.

I think the FBI automatically says they rule out terrorism unless there is evidence Osama was actually there supervising.

Obama really gave a shout out before talking about Ft. Hood? President Kanye.