Crowder Goes to Gitmo Trailer

Crowder’s next video is delayed, but it looks like it will be cool. He’s visiting Gitmo:

Privacy Opt Out

I’ve realized that my IMAO Privacy Policy is a bit inadequate, so I’ll give you all a way to opt out of having your information shared with spammers and the Russian mafia (even though they’re a very efficient mafia). Basically, I’ll add a button allowing you to opt out. All you’ll have to do is input your social security number and date of birth so I can know for certain who it is I shouldn’t share the information of.

So, any of you have some hilarious credit card numbers you want to tell me about in the comments? I think ones with lots of threes are funny.

The Right-Wing Super Awesome Fun Party of Fun!

Ace of Spades is thinking about doing a right-wing blogocentric version of the Yearly Kos and wants your input. I think this is an awesome idea… except for imitating Yearly Kos. I don’t want us to be a bunch of lameos trying to forget how lame they are and pretending they can accomplish something; it should just be one major kick ass party! And I say we have it in Vegas because it’s not too far from me and everyone loves Vegas. And we make it such a huge outrageous party that we basically turn off the whole city from ever wanting to vote for a conservative. Harry Reid should have a heart attack from just hearing it’s in his state. And it should have a carbon footprint so huge that eight polar bears die from it.

It will be epic!

So what should we have at what I’m tentatively titling “The Right-Wing Super Awesome Fun Party of Fun!”? Here’s some of my own ideas so far:


* A panel on hippie punching led by Fred Thompson.

* A bouncy castle.

* A mixed martial arts competition.

* Indoor fireworks.

* A panel of top scientist discussing where we are on making space lasers and dinosaurs with rocket launchers on them.

* Crazed elephants.

* Guns, guns, and more guns. And then other guns than those.

* A rally for Ned Lamont.

* Top rocks bands from around the world. And if any of them object to playing for conservatives, we punch them for being hippies.

* Reagan policy look-alike contest.

* Eight open bars. And then a ninth, secret, extra-open bar.

* A panel of top theologians answering the question: “How much does God hate RINOs?”

* Ninja assassins guarding the doors making sure no liberals get in.

* Free punch and pie.

* Awesome lessons, taught by me.

* Explosions.

* Robots.

* Katanas.

* Sarah Palin.

And afterward we can force liberals to watch videotape of what went on at our party and their heads will explode!

So what do you want at The Right-Wing Super Awesome Fun Party of Fun? Make sure to tell Ace too.

Lightning Round MIA

Fred was out beating up flu viruses and throwing them into the sun, so there was no Lightning Round for 11-11.

On another topic, I found an old picture of Fred Thompson from his Watergate days, and I noticed that he bore a passing resemblance to Jack Nicholson:

Of course, that was over 30 years ago. People change.

Or do they?

Bearded Jack, meet Bearded Fred:

Now I’m not normally the conspiracy theory type, but has ANYONE ever seen Fred & Jack together in the same room?

Monkey Collider

It would be so awesome to make one of these. The best way I’ve come up with for accelerating monkeys is to fire them out of a large cannon. It’s really hard to get a high-speed collision, though, because the firing of them is so inaccurate; they’re not like their bullets spun by rifling which tend to follow the same path. You just have to keep firing monkeys in the air at the same time and hope two slam into each other, but it’s easy to lose track of the monkeys that way. Then you have monkeys running around everywhere and it’s a big mess, but if you can actually get two monkeys to slam into each other and catch it on a high-speed camera it all seems worth it.

What’s been your experience at getting monkeys to slam into each other?

Random Thoughts

Americans are going to be overly suspicious of Muslims if they’re convinced their government is incurious.

If the right has a big Vegas gathering, we should call it the “Right-wing Super Awesome Fun Party of Fun.” And it should be so awesome it puts Harry Reid in a coma. And it should be so outrageous that we turn Vegas off conservatism forever.

Any right-wing gathering should also have a mixed martial arts competition.

If I go to the big right-wing blog party in Vegas, I’m sure Fred Thompson will come too. He’s always wanted to meet me.

Let the record show I thanked no veterans yesterday. There’s only one way I like my freedoms: Taken for granted.