The Real Guantanamo Bay

Steven Crowder has a very special video in which he visits Gitmo. Quite a different picture than we usually see:

Actually, Gitmo seems to nice for terrorists. Let’s send them some place worst… like regular prison.

Frank Advice for Life

Always keep your eyes on your goal… unless your goal is the Ark of the Covenant. It will melt your face if you look at it when they open it.

Top Ten Things Finding Ice on the Moon Means

The LCROSS explosion has proven there is ice on the moon. Exciting, huh? So what does this mean for us? It means ten things that I can order by importance:


10. Super yuppies can drink obscenely-priced moon water.

9. The one NASA scientist who was like, “There is no way there is water on the moon,” now has to pay up five dollars.

8. Government regulations mean that, along with the flag, they now have to put “Caution: Ice” signs on the moon.

7. NASA can save space in the lunar module because now they can just bring empty balloons to the moon and fill them with water when they get there.

6. If the moon catches fire, not a big deal now.

5. Chance of finding frozen cavemen on the moon has increased significantly.

4. Now knowing the moon is covered in ice means the astronauts need to be careful of wampas.

3. There is no reason to go to Mars since we can find ice on the much closer Moon.

2. The movie The Ice Pirates is now much closer to being a reality.

And the number one thing finding ice on the moon means…

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If You’re Going to Bow, You Might as Well Wear a Bow

What is it with Obama and bowing? Even Japan was like, “Who’s this loser?” Obama’s new nickname should be “Lil’ Bow Wow” for how he wows us with all his bowing.

When you go overseas, Mr. President, you represent the United States of America — the most powerful country on earth and in most of the solar system. You bow to no one; they bow to you! The proper greeting for a foreign leaders is to punch him right in his stupid, foreign face because what in the world is he going to do about it? Nothing, because you lead the USA. Why bow to anyone you can freely punch in the face?

If you want to bow to someone, though, Obama, try bowing to the American people. You may delight us with your obsequiousness and we shall consider sparing you.

Random Thoughts

Just for the record, A is not A. They’re two different As.

It would be cool if Fonzie were an Objectivist. “Aaay is Aaay!” Or in Canada, it would be, “A is A, eh.”

Gods says you’re welcome about it being Friday.

He also says don’t sin so much because it makes Him sad.

I hope the success at bombing another world leads to more.

I’m surprised Glenn Greenwald is on Twitter. I didn’t think he could make a simplistic point without taking 2000 words.

So are the 9/11 NYC trials the most asinine thing Obama’s done so far? Think carefully before answering; he’s done a lot of asinine things.

I already have a slogan for the Republican nominee in 2012: “Amateur hour is over.”

Why haven’t I heard anything about Jesus and Magneto being in a remake of The Prisoner?

Obama Apologizes For Curtseying to Japanese Emperor

TOKYO (AP) – After executing what appeared to be an extremely deep bow upon meeting Japan’s Emperor Akihito last Saturday, President Barack Obama later apologized for his “ungainly and ill-executed curtsey”.

Worst. Curtsey. Ever.

“I was just trying to show a little respect for the Emperor’s culture,” said Obama, explaining his poorly-performed gesture, “and I guess I got a little confused. At first I thought ‘I should greet him as a fellow head-of-state’, so I started shaking his hand. Then I thought, ‘I should to show that I’m not some arrogant cowboy like Bush, so I need to bow super-low’. But then I noticed his wife and thought, ‘I should respect her gender, so I need to curtsey’. I kinda ended up doing all three at once, and I guess I didn’t do any of them very well.”

At a press conference on Monday, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs defended Obama’s intention in performing the gesture of feminine subservience.

“The President has a duty to repair the damage done to America’s reputation abroad by the previous administration. Other nations are used to America acting with confidence, assertiveness, and a certain degree of manhood. What better way to repair the damage than by acting like a quavering, spineless little girl?”

President Obama said that, for future trips involving greeting foreign dignitaries, he would wear a dress as a means of helping him adopt a more competent implementation of his womanly genuflections.

“But not one of Michelle’s dresses,” insisted the President. “I wouldn’t put my dog’s lawn-patties in one of those tacky trash-bags.”