Frank on Science!: Dinosaurs

Quick quiz — Which one of these is a dinosaur? A, B, or C?

If you answered A or B, you are stupid and don’t know Science!. A is a flying reptile, B is an aquatic reptile, and only C is a dinosaur (of the avian variety).

So why aren’t pterosaurs or plesiosaurs not considered dinosaurs (even though they have the “saur” in their name)? It’s for about the same reason mathematicians decided the number 1 isn’t a prime number (Math!); scientists just decided things fit together better that way. Plus, they make the Science!, so they get to define things however they want.

But why are birds now classified as dinosaurs? That’s a bit more complicated.

Kids are fascinated with dinosaurs. They love playing with toy dinosaurs and reading simplistic books on them. Kids are also stupid. They’ll have a Tyrannosaurus fight a Stegosaurus even though they lived ten millions of years apart. Or have Fred Flintstone ride them. Or Turok fight them. And then they ask dumb and inane questions about them like did the Triceratops go to school too. Basically, they get their dumb all over dinosaurs. And anytime we don’t treat a scientific subject with reverence, we risk angering Science! and having it punish us with something scientific like space radiation.

Obviously, it was up to scientists to get children disinterested in dinosaurs — which is hard because they are pretty cool. Still, we came up with the brilliant idea: What if we dilute the awesomeness of dinosaurs by including within that label the most boring animal in all of Science! — birds.

Everyone is completely bored by birds. You’d think an animal that can fly would have to be interesting, but somehow birds just make it completely boring and uninteresting. No one cares anything about birds. Anytime we want to learn something about birds, we send the Science! interns to do it because it always a snoozefest. Never once has any bird ever done anything even remotely interesting. The closest were penguins, but that was just because they we narrated by Morgan Freeman.

But look at it this way: If a child sees this on the front of a book about dinosaurs, do you think he’ll want to read it?



Of course not. And thus children’s interest in dinosaurs is crushed and scientists can continue their research unmolested by their misdirected enthusiasm.



The Senate is going to begin debate on Obamacare, so remember to call your Senators anonymously from a pay phone while using vaguely threatening language.

Yeah, I don’t remember how to use a payphone either. Still, that sounds cheaper than buying a disposable cellphone. And don’t call collect; calling someone collect you’re about to threaten is really rude.

Random Thoughts

Shouldn’t Hasan be referred to in the news as “the alleged gunman who totally did it.”?

When there is a scuffle in Ireland, the there’s no need to specifically mention in the news story that alcohol was involved.

If the Large Hadron Collider destroys the universe, is that considered a success in verifying the existence of the Higgs boson?

It would be funny if the universe is destroyed and we’re all met by an excited God asking, “Did you find it?”

If the universe is destroyed today, do you think more people will blame CERN or booooosh?

I’m not going to use Windows 7 until MS writes me a letter of apology for Vista and at least tries to explain how that happened.

Electricity is complicated. And it’s invisible. And it can kill you.

How weird is electricity? You can actually use imaginary numbers to predict its behavior.

And when they made imaginary numbers, why did they stop with square root of -1? Why not also square root of unicorn?

This is why smart people like me worry about electricity so you can all focus on things like sparkly vampyres.

Wait, is the Large Hadron Collider going to kill us or just remove us from the timeline?

If we’re wiped out of the timeline, we don’t get to go to Heaven since we never existed to have souls. That’s trouble.

If they do a Gremlins remake, will sunlight kill them or just cause them to sparkle?

Oprah plans to keep to herself after leaving her show and let a designated individual make her proclamations – the Pope-rah.

If America collapses, my backup plan is to become a pirate. Arr!

One problem with becoming a pirate is a parrot’s massive beak freaks me out. You can’t tell me he won’t bite me and it won’t hurt.

I’m getting tired of partisan politics. I wish we could get rid of it, but the stupid, evil liberals won’t let us.

Work extra hard knowing your money is going towards getting poor people prison sentences for not buying health insurance.