Happy Thanksgiving!

Going to take the rest of the week off, so enjoy Thanksgiving. Be thankful for this great country and how it’s so strong it can still be super awesome even when we have dumb stupid presidents. And I’ll see you next week. And, just because pretty much everyone is posting it, here are the Muppets singing Bohemian Rhapsody:

Obama is so useless and incompetent as president that…

…the turkey he pardoned immediately went back to doing the same crimes that got it sentenced to execution in the first place.

In the GMail

Obama wrote me back to my e-mail from the other day:


I know change is scary and confusing, but that doesn’t mean you should direct all your cracker rage at me. I’m sorry you had plans for your money, but we don’t all get what we want. What’s more important is that I get what I want which is what the country needs. We all other than me have to make sacrifices. And I borrowed your golf clubs.

President Obama

Graaah! What a jerk! Here’s what I wrote back:


YOU’RE THE CRACKER!!! You don’t have any plans! You don’t even know what’s in those bills! And you don’t get what you want, which is to not suck so much! What this country needs is for you to announce to everyone, “I’m a stupid dummy dumb.” And then you should resign and get a job more to your skill level like Walmart greeter.

And you should have asked before taking my golf clubs! I need those to control the local squirrel population!

-Frank J.

I told him good. Hopefully he’ll resign now and return my clubs.

Frank Advice for Life

Get an old chest and put explosives in it and set a trigger so the explosives will go off when the chest is opened. Then bury the chest in a middle of nowhere making sure to note its location. Now, if you’re ever captured by pirates, you can tell them to spare your life and you’ll lead them to buried treasure. I think the rest is pretty self-explanatory.

Random Thoughts

New Moon is just a ripoff of Teen Wolf.

Palin seems unelectable, but I thought Hillary was unelectable and warmed up to her in 2008.

All of Palin’s faults are known, and that’s actually an advantage in some ways.

Great way to try the terrorists: If their face can stop a bullet, they’re not guilty.

I’m still not sure what “smokehouse” almonds are, but I know I must consume them throughout the day to be productive.

Things I will pay higher taxes for: Getting military proper support overseas. Things I will not pay higher taxes for: Anything else.

Real cause of global warming: Scientist yelling, “I believe in global warming!” and clapping their hands.

A great way to protest the Vs would be to wear V for Vendetta masks… or would that be showing support?

Navy SEALs should not punch terrorists in the face unless they put it on YouTube.