A Country Needs to Stand Up for Itself

One of the disturbing things about the Ft. Hood murders is seeing just how invidious some of our PC instincts have become. There were so many warning signs that Hasan is a crazy jihadist (he even had the initials for “Soldier of Allah” on his business cards), but instead of being thrown out of the military and then shot, no one wanted to do anything out of fear of looking discriminatory. So when people of a certain group do horrific things to Americans, our response apparently is to give that group even less scrutiny.

What the hell?

When someone punches us in the face, our instinct should not be to apologize. We can’t end up like Europe, too unsure to even stick up for itself. Now, it seems to me that the appropriate response from the military right now should not be to assure us diversity will be preserved; that’s secondary and a concern for another day. What they should be doing is vowing that if anyone else in the military is found to have views similar to Hasan, they will be immediately thrown out of the military and gutted like a pig.

Incidentally, one of the things that apparently made Hasan angry was that another soldier ripped an “Allah is love” bumper sticker off of his car. Well, he sure showed him when he shot a pregnant woman in the back.


  1. …he shot a pregnant woman in the back.

    For a military trial, does the whole “cruel and unusual” prohibition still apply? Cause a quick death is too good for this @#$*&^%*. I’m leaning more towards a very drawn out and excruciating death.

  2. No No No… not yet…patience…. remember he was supposed to die on his mission….. we nned to get him healthy so he can be “debriefed”…..he is in a perfect position to be “chemically interrogated”. Look at this putz…. do you really think he was “lone”?… he looks like a semi mongloid reject for gods sake….. this guy never had a original thought in his life.

    Its the old young bull old bull joke: Old Bull & Young Bull on a hill overlooking a herd of cows…. Young bull says “hey lets run down there and Eff one of them cows”…… Old Bull says …Lets walk down there and Eff em all….

  3. Hasan might be paralyzed below the waist. Rumor has it, he’s complaining of extreme pain in his hands. Hmmmm. A lifetime of disability, and in pain. I vote for 666 consecutive life sentences, with female jailers wearing one button of Velez and one of Munley.

  4. We can’t end up like Europe, too unsure to even stick up for itself.

    Well, you and I, we’re not the problem. The people risking their lives in Afghanistan while Obama dithers are not the problem. I try to tell myself that the majority of this country at least has some sort of understanding of the enemy, but it’s becoming increasingly difficult to believe that.

  5. “When someone punches us in the face, our instinct should not be to apologize.” Which is exactly what our fearless leader is now doing over in Japan. As soon as I heard this morning that he wanted to see where we dropped the A-bombs , it was apparent to me the the next words out of his mouth are going to be…. ‘We apologize…ah… for …ahh.. making the Japanese people..ahhh.. so mad at The US…ah… in the the late 30’s and early 40’s…ah.. that it caused you to…. ah….defend …ahhh… yourselves in Perl Harbor. America …. ahhh had no right ….ah….to subject… the wonderful….ahhh….people of Japan…ah … to the torture that …ahh fell upon you … from the sky

  6. who will we get to save our butts?

    Any self-respecting Conservative is self-sufficient enough to save their own butt. In a group, we could be unstoppable.

    TEA parties aside, there’s no real daily rioting in the streets yet, so things probably aren’t bad enough…yet.

  7. Hey, hey, hey, wait a minute guys! Didn’t you read the whole thing? They “tore a bumper sticker off his car”!! That changes everything. Clearly he was provoked beyond reason, and was completely justified in his righteous anger…

    screw him, feed him to the pigs – alive.

  8. Today I heard someone remark that moving the trial for the mastermind of the 9-11 attacks to NYC is like making the citizens go through it all over again.

    All the security fears
    Death threats for the judge/ jury/ people in and around the building (who are we kidding, anyone in anyway involved or totally not involved)
    How do you find a jury who has not heard about this?
    Change of venues left right and sideways
    Liberal judges who will want to throw out the case on any and all reasons

    Maybe the president should stand up for the people of New York for a change. Of course with his new council that will most probably never happen.

  9. The news reports all say he killed 13.
    Since he also killed the unborn baby, shouldn’t that count as 14?
    Or is that just another example of PC (spit-on-the-ground) BS?
    I knew they’d get around to ‘Show Trials’ sooner or later.
    It won’t be the terrorists on trial, it’ll be the CIA interogators and the whole Bush administration.
    If Stalin wasn’t burning in hell right now, he’d be laughing his ass off.

  10. Liberals dont respect us but then who would respect a spouse you walk all over and abuse and after each round they just say sorry and hide in the corner? The meek may inherit the Earth but the Liberal abusers will inherit the government.

  11. It’s like no one notice what his name was. It’s not that all mid-easterners are terrorists, but for this to happen on the largest Army base in the nation tells me that the leftists & this idiotic administration have things so backwards that even if they’d been warned, they’d just call it another VRWC against the barbarians and go right back to ripping us off.
    The next time someone tries to spew the meme that there aren’t any “sleeper” cells/agents in our country, remind them of this massacre. Remind them that they don’t need WMD or airplanes; this caveman bastard only had two handguns.
    If I had the chance, I’d send him to “Allah” myself.

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  14. When someone punches me in the face, my first instinct is to kick them in the weakest spot. Shouldn’t that be the normal response? This pc garbage has turned our culture into jelly-spined losers. Where’s the John Wayne country that I knew growing up?

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